For believers only: what religion or segment in a religion was the 'true' religion of God? Your opinions well respected?

Your opinions well respected. Asked by boxing 54 months ago Similar questions: believers religion segment true God opinions respected Society > Religion & Spirituality.

Similar questions: believers religion segment true God opinions respected.

The answer is simple, Jewish Jews are the chosen people of G-d. The early church was the church of Paul, not of JC, who by the way was a very devout Jew. In Matthew 5:17-19 Jesus says: 17 "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets.

I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one title will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven..

One true religion .... The one true religion I believe in doesn't have a name. And please forgive me, but I have not once ever sat down and sorted this all out- so this'll be new for me too. (it'll be nice to have it all placed in front of me so thank you for asking this question boxing) The one true religion I believe is to first of all believe in ONE GOD... and only ONE GOD!

To pray only and directly to God and not thru anyone else. And to only worship God... and no one else. So whenever I pray it is directly to God and in the name of God .. not Jesus or Mary or anyone else... I only pray and talk and worship God.My belief in Jesus is different than the Christians and this is where the fact that my parents are Muslims comes into play..... I believe that Jesus is a messenger/prophit of God and not the son of God.

I believe he is the son of Mary... but not the son of God. I believe that God with his powers just made Mary pregnant with this magnificent person named Jesus who was a messenger and a prophit.... but not once did he ever say worship me or pray to me.. thats not the message he wanted to bring.. he wanted to bring the message of God.... but people distorted it and now pray in the name of Jesus or worship Jesus... and in my own opionion I think that is wrong. I think there is only one God and you should only pray to God and worship God.... I also do not believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

I think we are responsible for our sins and that no one was sacrificed for our own sins... we have to live up to our sins and can't rely on the fact that 'someone' died for our sins. I don't believe that. I believe that I sin... and than I me and myself have to make better for it... I don't believe anyone was sacrificed for me.... I don't believe God would do that.... I believe my own blood shed is my own blood shed and I have to clean it up on my own and no ones blood was shed for me ... sacrifice is wrong.

God doesn't want sacrifices .. he wants love and life... and strength. He wants you to replenish yourself and make better for your sins... so to me.. that comfort zone that someone died for my sins isn't there... my sins are real and it is me who has to live them and better them.. no one died for me. I mentioned strength before and God wants the type of strength that you can only build alone.

The strength you take from harsh lessons.... and the strength you take from survival ..... the strength it takes to be able to look yourself in the eye and know your sins and that you have to live them and better them....... God wants me to have the strength that keeps me from distractions...(distractions would be ciggarettes/drugs/the bad 'in' crowd/ lying etc...) these all distractions to try and keep you astray from the right path... See.... its the 'straight' people who are the strongest at will and its the 'lost' people who have it easy, really. It's very easy to go down the wrong path and forget about God and not believe in him.. than you don't have any worries and you don't have to live up to anything and you can live your life without demand of trying to make yourself a better eternity. People who stay on the straight path ... thats hard to do!

I know I can't always do it... its hard to not get distracted by some simple thing to catch us astray of the direction we want/supposed to lead.......... So infact it's easy to be bad... thats nothing to brag about .. anyone can do it.......... but its oh so hard to be good and thats something I admire in people .. who can stay straight! Gosh.. with all these distractions to blind us and to keep your eyes wide and clear away from all the tempting distractions is a true strength and the type of strength that God wants. And I think he wants you to always seek... seek out knowledge and information... I believe he wants us to learn as much as we can while we have this one chance here on earth .... there's so many things out there that we don't even know that we don't even know... so many things to learn and grow from and its all right there in our grasp if we just reach for it.......... he wants us to learn and nuture our knowledge with the loads of information sitting beside us.

He wants us to explore and discover.... and see and know and keep growing.. keep reaching.. keep learning (our whole lives...) And people... ohhh people.... we are all such a huge gift to eachother. And yes of course we are all 100% equal. He wants us to be kind to eachother and help eachother.. he wants us to love eachother and just to simply be friendly.

The people who took the easy route and forgot about God are distracted .. some have grown further and further away from God and these are the ones who step closer to the devil and commit suicide or murders/ viloence... these people... will I believe they populate hell. And I believe these are the only people who populate hell........... because really...... God wants everyone to go to heaven.. and he is forgiving even when you haven't asked for forgiveness.... so most of the world will make it to heaven except for murderers, kidnappers, child malasters etc....---- But that doesn't mean either you can rely on that to set sail and be free of your meaning here.... "It's kinda like your boss leaving you in charge while he leaves for break... if you fool around or do your job right he'll never know... but it's all up to the type of person you are and how you want to treat such a privledge to be in charge for a little while.It's your decision to do it right or wrong... and you know what's better..... no matter which way you choose tho ... you will have to answer for which route you picked when the boss sits you down in the back office to watch the survalance tapes God wants us to do good and use our short time here wisely ... he asked a few simple things and for some reason its hard to for us to follow that... but I believe that if you believe in God inside your heart and your a generally good person.. and kind... with respect and feelings... and you go thru life with open eyes.... this is what God wants... he wants you to enjoy your time here but also learn.. and he wants you to spend eternity with him in heaven.

God gave his only son, Jesus, so that we might be saved from our sins. If you really think about it, it makes sense. Christianity is the only religion that allows us, sinful man, to be forgiven for our sins.

We are all sinners and therefore no one is good enough to get into heaven on their own. Check it out for yourself.

Biblical Christianity which is the fulfillment of Biblical Judaism is the true religion of God There is so much to understand in order to understand this and yet the Bible 66 Books written by many writers over a great period time all fits together in such marvelous coherence to present one basic and glorious message that Jesus Christ came to glorify God and restore us to that purpose of Glorifying Basic Bible Outline - God created the world / Adam and Eve God made Adam the federal head over the world meaning s sin or righteousness would either destroy his posterity or confirm their righteousness Adam sinned and the entire human race fell / all sin and die afterward except Enoch and Elijah In fact in Genesis 3 we read of the various curses God puts on Adam, Eve and the Serpent (Satan) and in the process of cursing God also includes a prophecy of a Savior Who would destroy Satan when God says about "The Seed of the woman" to the serpent "He shall bruise thy head but thou shalt bruise " As we go through the OT God gives s people the Law / He gives them a sacrificail system that they might understand that they can be forgiven yet not without a sacrifice to fulfil righteousness and throughout the OT there is prophecy of a Messiah / Christ. In the OT there were three anointed offices: the prophet, the priest and the king The anointing with oil of these men symbolized that they were anointed by the Holy Spirit to do God's will. Some were more anointed than others.

The words Messiah (Hebrew) and Christ (Greek) both meant the same thing - Anoined ONE! The Anointed One would be a Prophet, a Priest, and King all rolled in One Person, THE CHRIST / Messiah Their were many marvellous prophesies about the Christ in the OT Now as people were created in God's image - in knowledge; righteousness and holiness but lost that image or distorted it when they sinned ... the Messiah was to restore that image - As a prophet He would restore their knowledge As a priest He would restore their righteousness As a king He would restore their holiness All this Christ came to do and He did it in the power of the Holy Spirit as He is the Annointed One The Great Gift of the Holy Spirit It was the annointing of the Holy Spirit that made Jesus the CHRIST and a look at the work of the Holy Spirit can be used to show how all Scripture is tied together. God the Father planned our salvation God the Son worked out our salvation making it possible by s death on the cross and resurrection from the dead God the Holy Spirit makes our salvation real to us by opening our eyes to its greatness and even with s work behind the scenes in all the work of God The Holy Spirit works with us now to open our hearts to the beauty and glory of God's kingdom, Christ, etc .... I.

The greatness of the Holy Spirit is seen in Christ’s presenting m on the last great day of the Feast of Tabernacles – John 7:37 II. The greatness of the Holy Spirit is seen in the fact that even before He is really “given” – John 7:39 1. We see the Holy Spirit active in creation – Genesis 1:2; Psalm 104:27-30 2.

We see the Holy Spirit inspiring the Old Testament Prophets – 1 Peter 1:7-309; Genesis 41:38; 2 Chronicles 15:1; 2 Chronicles 20:14 3. We see the Holy Spirit also giving men ability to govern, to create artistically and even to fight – Numbers 11:16 & :27-307; Exodus 31:1-4 & 35:30-31; Judges 3:7-308; 6:34; 11:27-307; 13:27-308; 14:19; 15:14; 1 Samuel 10:6&10; 1 Samuel 16:17-309; 1 Chronicles 28:7-307; Numbers 24:2 4. We know (though it is not spoken of much in the Old Testament) that regeneration and sanctification by the Holy Spirit were as necessary than as they are now – John 3:3, :5, :7 III.

The greatness of the Holy Spirit is seen in s work in the life of Jesus Christ (also before He is given) 1. The Holy Spirit formed Christ’s human body in the womb of the virgin Mary – Luke 1:31 & :35 2. The Holy Spirit endowed Christ with all spiritual graces – Isaiah 11:1-3 3.

The Holy Spirit anoints Jesus Christ at the beginning of s title Christ means “the Anointed One” therefore s most popular title is one taken from the Spirit’s influence on s life and ministry – Isaiah 61:1-3; Matthew 3:17-308; John 1:27-308 B. This title rolls into one the three “anointed” offices of the Old Testament: Prophet – Acts 3:22, Priest – Hebrews 7:17 & 27-309 and King – Revelation 17:14 4. The Holy Spirit “led” our Lord Jesus Christ – Mathew 4:1 5.

The Holy Spirit is the Power behind our Lord’s casting out of demons – Matthew 12:27-307 6. The Holy Spirit “the Eternal Spirit” is the Power behind Christ taking up the cross as a Holy Sacrifice for our sins – Hebrews 9:14 7. The Holy Spirit is the great Power behind Christ’s resurrection from the dead – Romans 8:11 IV.

The greatness of the Holy Spirit is seen in all things connected with Christ’s glorification is a prerequisite to the Spirit’s being “given” – John 7:39 2. The Spirit’s coming is more important to us than Christ’s continued physical presence – John 16:7 3. The Holy Spirit is given or comes in the most dynamic and graceful manner – Acts 2; Ezekiel 37; John 3:8 A.In these things we see God’s sovereignty – John 3:8 B.

In these things we see the Spirit’s life giving power – Acts 1:8; Acts 2:41 4. The Spirit is given in answer to fervent prayer – Luke 11:7-308; Acts 1:8; :14; 2:1; Acts 4:31 V. The greatness of the Holy Spirit is seen in s work for our salvation, bringing about the new birth, sanctifying us, framing us as the Body of Christ making us as Christ was, s own Temple – 2 Thessalonians 2:13 1.

This work is necessary work A. Without the new birth we cannot see the Kingdom of God – John 3:3 B. Unless a man (woman) is born again he cannot understand the things of God at all – 1 Corinthians 2:14 C.

The cross itself is foolishness to the unregenerate person, ii is not understood or appreciated – 1 Corinthians 1:18 D. The beautiful things of God are not known or desired unless the Spirit reveals them to us – 1 Corinthians 2:7-308 &12 E. Without the new birth, we cannot enter the Kingdom of God – John 3:5; 3:7 F.

Only the new birth fits us for heaven – Titus 3:4-7 2. This work is drastic work A. The changes necessary for our salvation are not easily accomplished or even humanly possible – Jeremiah 13:23; John 1:13 B.

Being born again requires spiritual heart surgery – Ezekiel 11:19; Ezekiel 36:26 C. Being born again means a kingdom transfer – Colossians 1:13 D. Being born again means God changes us from dead in sin, children of wrath and the devil – Ephesians 2:1-5; John 8:37-309 into alive in Christ, children of God – John 1:7-307; Romans 8:17-308 E.

This great work is credited to the Holy Spirit – John 3:5-8 3. This is dramatic work – 2 Corinthians 5:17; John 3:8 A. The new birth gives us New Eyes – John 3:3 B.

New Ears – John 10:27-309; Revelation 2:7; 2:11; 2:17; 2:29; 3:6; 3:13; 3:22 We who are born anew, hear to follow and do – James 1:22 C. A New Mouth – Before – Romans 3:13-14 after – Psalm 40:3 D. New Taste Buds (desires) – Psalm 34:8; Jeremiah 15:16; Psalm 1:2; Psalm 37:4 E.

A New Heart – Ezekiel 11:19; 36:26; Jeremiah 24:7 F. New Feet – Before – Proverbs 1:16; Romans 3:15-16 After – Isaiah 52:7; Habakkuk 3:19; Ephesians 2:10 G. A New Face – 1 John 3:1-3; Colossians 3:9-14; Ephesians 4:22-24 Doing this the Spirit fits us together makes us a spiritual temple, fit to be a dwelling place of God – Ephesians 2:21-22; 3:14-21; 1 Corinthians 3:17-308; 6:19 VI.

The Greatness of the Holy Spirit is seen in To pray – Romans 8:26 2. To live and walk as we should – Galatians 5:16, 22-23, 25 3.To know Christ, by teaching us and glorifying By empowering and gifting us for service – Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 5. By convicting the world of sin – John 16:7-11 Sign Guestbook View Guestbook This page hosted by Yahoo Geocities .

I think each aspect of God has a different 'true' religion. My personal belief is in God as a trinity- God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each one of these, through the scripture, is portrayed quite differently, and would fit in best with a radically different type of church.

God the Father - portrayed in the Old Testament as a decisive, firm hand strongly guiding the Isrealites. I think this aspect is most venerated in the fundamentalist tradition, along with some enclaves of the Baptists. God the Son - a true revolutionary, Jesus turned the Jewish world on its ear.

S strong principles combined with practices of nonviolence and willingness to buck tradition in place of doing what is correct make me think s true chuch would be Quaker. God the Holy Spirit - Not much of a personification going on here, so relatively inscrutable. You could make the claim that some neo-pagan groups revere a communal spirit of God more than any given personification, or that any church whose main focus is on commmunity would be more appealing to the Holy Spirit.

From my perspective, the liberal mainstream Protestant churches strike a good balance between all three aspects (If God had to vote as a trinity on these would get "good" ratings from all of them, whereas each different aspect would have a different personal favorite). Sources: My opinion.

" (10 answers) "Religion is for people who fear hell; Spirituality is for people who've been to hell. What does this mean?

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Do you think God really cares what religion you are as long as you believe in .

Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it. " comments? " (10 answers).

Religion is for people who fear hell; Spirituality is for people who've been to hell. What does this mean?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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