For she: what would you choose: career and family? For him: what would you choose: a career woman, or a woman that family is a priority?

Women think they want to have just a career because they were taught, in school, that this should be their priority, and a family should come second. What they don't realize is that they're in the prime to start a family in their 20s. This opportunity only comes once.

A woman can have a career any time she wishes, after she starts her family. By the time the kids are over 7, she won't have nearly as many responsibilities and she will have time for starting a career. With distance education and the internet, this is more true than it ever was.

The reason women were taught they need to start careers and compete against men is...well...we're not going to go into that here. I would rather a woman who put family as a priority. This more in balance with nature, and the chances that we will have healthy kids are higher because she would give birth at a younger age.

If the woman put the family as a priority, she would be primary caretaker when they were young, and I would certainly help. The woman would be much better than I at raising/rearing the young children. I would be much better equipped to strive in the workforce to help my family.

A man would die to protect and feed his family. A woman would do anything to raise and protect her children. This set up has been in place for thousands of years.

Why do we feel the need to mess with it now?

Wow. Um, I don't even know what to say. Women can have careers AND family, and men can have careers AND family.

It's called get off your ass and help raise YOUR children. Men can also stay at home and raise children and do housework while their wives go out and earn the family money. Unless you live in a cave in Utah, this is generally accepted.

Women want to have careers because using your brain is enjoyable (to some people, but clearly not all). Many people (yep, women are people! ) find working rewarding, and gain a sense of satisfaction when they contribute to the world.

Those same people can go home and have rich, fulfilling family lives. Women who actively participate in the world set a good example for their children: luck happens to those who make their own luck, and you _create_ the world you want to live in, not just sit around hoping it happens. Men and women should be equal partners, who equally raise the children.

However they want to work out the finances is fine, but a woman who wants to work should be supported by her husband, not treated like chattel. What's funny to me is that working men are never considered bad dads, but working moms are considered to be bad mothers, who are cheating their kids. Step up, dads!

Your kids need you too. Thank the gods I'll never have to marry a man who thinks women should fit into some little cookie cutter. Wake up men!

The 50's are over! (Not to mention that, ahem, most of you don't make enough money to be the only bread-winner. More and more, women are the educated ones who can bring home the big paychecks).

For me our family comes first, career is worth nothing if our family is broken. A woman should be the one to take care of the family and make the bonds stronger.

Today the women have the more opportunity to explore themselves in the world. They can too take the responsibility as compare to man. As they are many work available for the housewife today they can earn money through internet and business.

We have come up with the much flexible opportunity for them. You can simply visit

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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