Gentleman! Those of you who shave...Do you use an electric razor or an unpowered one? And why?
My dad used an electric razor, my spouse shaves by hand, as does my son. Habit? SOmeone gave you one, so you use it?
Preference? Just curious. Asked by NancyE 49 months ago Similar questions: Gentleman shave electric razor unpowered Society > story.
Similar questions: Gentleman shave electric razor unpowered.
I always shave with a hand razor partially by habit but there are other reasons too. First of all I have never found an electric razor that does the kind of job that a hand razor does. They just don’t cut close enough to suit me.
Second of all, my shaving is just basically trimming around the edges because I have a full and long beard. Electric razors tend to grab long strands of beard and pull them out and that in turn tends to be painful. So between habit, performance and the production of less pain I think that I’ll stick with the old fashioned way.
Sources: my life .
Blade Runner When I headed off to college, my father gave me a nice Remington electric razor. Of course, that was right around the time electricity was discovered, but the point is that I only used it for about 6 months. It’s common for companies that make razor blades to give away razors as promotions.
This gets you to buy blades, and one day, I got one - a Gillette Techmatic - in my campus mailbox. I borrowed a can of shaving cream from my roommate and tried it, and I never used an electric again. I found the electric razor I’d had to be more irritating to my skin than the blade.
I was also able to get a closer shave with the blade, so I didn’t have a 5:00 shadow at 5:00. It’s also much less clumsy than an electric, particularly if you have facial hair. Long sideburns were the norm back then, and I have had a mustache ever since I was old enough to grow one.
Finally, there’s a kind of ritual to it that I like. Over the years, you develop a technique that’s all your own. I squirt the foam onto my right hand and apply a nice, even layer.
Then I dry my hands, to get a better grip on the razor, and go to work on the whiskers. I start with my neck and do the chin and lower lip last. It’s just part of what gets me going during the day.By comparison - I suppose that electric razors have come a long way since 1967, but using one would seem more like mowing the lawn than getting ready to meet my day.
Besides - when the electricity goes out, I can still go out clean-shaven. Sources: Personal Preference IchtheosaurusRex's Recommendations Zadro Z'Fogless Lighted Shaving Mirror Amazon List Price: $45.00 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) Like this guy..
I would like to use one and have tried... on at least three occasions and everything seems fine for a couple or three months-- it is more convenient and you aren't locked into the bathroom to use it. I loved it. However, after a period of use, it started pulling at my hair instead of cutting it.
I tried all sorts of strategies of cutting patterns, special lotions, etc. And it seemed that the blades got duller and duller. I found this odd since I really don't have heavy or wire-like facial hair but it happened. I have now tried it at twenty-something, forty-something, and sixty-something and it is the same.
I buy good razors so... my two cents... (maybe I'll learn the secret from the responses to your question)... :) .
Manual. I'd love to use electric because of the convenience (at least what I perceive to be the convenience), but they never really worked all that well for me. I never got as good a shave as I got manually.
I'm sure to a certain extent it's something that is, at least initially, passed on from father to son (or whoever teaches the person to shave. ) My Dad does it manually, and so taught me that. I went through my "experimental" phase, but then came back to what I was taught.(So, that sounded rather strange, huh.) PoorRichard's Recommendations The Art of Shaving Amazon List Price: $17.00 Used from: $4.00 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 8 reviews) A Closer Shave: Man's Daily Search for Perfection Amazon List Price: $16.95 Used from: $0.72 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 3 reviews) .
I much prefer a hand razor I much prefer a hand razor. In the past I have used an electric razor for 5 o’clock shadow cleanup and quick touchups but I think I get a far better closer shave with a regular razor. Specifically I love the Mach 3 branded razor.
I think electric razors are tough on your face, they often cause irritation on my neck or may cause it to break out. With electrics you basically have to shave every day...if my beard gets long at all there is no way to use an electric as it almost plucks out your beard. You always have to clean the electric which is sort of a pain in the... I like the Mach 3 razor...I have pretty thick beard growth but I easily get ~15 shaves out of one Mach 3 blade.It is a very comfortable and close shave.
Another thing I like about the Mach 3 is it does not get clogged with hair...rinses out very easily. I no longer ever use an electric. ChicagoTRS's Recommendations Gillette Mach3 Cartridges (Pack of 12) Amazon List Price: $27.00 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 25 reviews) Gillette Mach3 Turbo Cartridges with Aloe & Vitamin E, 8 cartridges Amazon List Price: $24.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 11 reviews) Gillette Mach3 Shaving System, 1 system Amazon List Price: $10.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 9 reviews) .
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