Good starter dslr camera?

Put a P&S camera in the hands of someone that knows what they are doing, and put a Nikon D3 in the hands of someone that has no clue. Of course, the P&S will do better in that situation. If you're looking at photos on flickr, it really doesn't matter what camera you use.

If that is your end goal in life, to take pictures that look great on Flickr, then stick with the P&S, it will let you accomplish your goals. My goal is to take incredible pictures, that can be enlarged to 13x19 prints, and still look incredible. To accomplish my goals, I have to use a DSLR with high end glass, because a P&S will not be able to make enlargements to that size.

Here's some shots I've taken and all are enlarged to 13 x 19:

The peoples answering here are being so confusing to my head that I am standing beside myself while it is spinning in round circles! In my country, very many much more peoples can not be affording the luxurious versions of finer camera equipment pieces and they are learning very well to be using what they can be buying. When you are seeing as many photos that are being taking with the pointing and shooting cameras, you are seeing that the superiority of the image emerges and the pointing and shooting cameras are emerging with excellent image quality if they are being used by my people who have very much experience in making them work the best.

If you are one who is learning how to use the pointing and shooting to the greatest advantage, you are one who is overcoming the fear that you are not being able to make the best images with superzooming and smaller cameras and finding that the image quality is excellent without relying on the large size of a DSLR sensor, thinking that it is best because it is just being bigger. So poet angelo, I am saying that I am agreeing with your idea about pointing and shooting cameras having superior image quality than other cameras. Am I making the best answer for you now?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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