I need good DSLR Camera. Hepl me please! Asked by Topmodelz 5 months ago Similar questions: DSLR Camera hepl Consumer Electronics > Camera, Photo & Video.
Consumer Electronics > Camera, Photo & Video.
Check out the CNET site: reviews.cnet.com/best-professional-dslr-... over the whole camera section to get the info you need. Com/best-professional-dslr-cameras/? Tag=contentMain;contentAux.
I LOVE my Sony Alpha--and you won't go wrong with a Canon or Nikon. It all depends on how much you can spend! .
If you're an amateur I'd go with a Canon Rebel or Nikon D3100. canonusa.com and nikonusa.com com.
I love my canon digital rebel; but other people prefer Nikon. There are also other makes. I advise going to a camera store and "test driving" them to find out what feels good in your hands.
I want to get a good DSLR camera, what lenses would I need to photograph birds from 30 to 75 feet & have them look close" "I need a new DSLR camera with out the $1,000+ price tag. What do you recommend? " "Is an HP compact disk memory card compatible with a Nikon DSLR camera?" "I'm looking for the best DSLR camera ($7-800 tops) for the money.
Suggestions? " "Of all, which dSLR camera has the fastest burst speed?" "I have a Minolta AF75-300/4.5-5.6ii lens and would like to buy a digital slr camera , what dslr will my lens fit if any" "what is the best video camera for web? " "What's the best digital camera with video recording & photo,for under $150.
Good Quality. Recommendations PLEASE? " "I'm going to buy a new dSLR camera as an upgrade to my Canon Rebel Xti.
I've narrowed the choices down to 2, and would" "Anyone have personal experience with Sony Alpha DSLR camera?
I want to get a good DSLR camera, what lenses would I need to photograph birds from 30 to 75 feet & have them look close.
I need a new DSLR camera with out the $1,000+ price tag. What do you recommend?
I'm looking for the best DSLR camera ($7-800 tops) for the money. Suggestions?
I have a Minolta AF75-300/4.5-5.6ii lens and would like to buy a digital slr camera , what dslr will my lens fit if any.
What's the best digital camera with video recording & photo,for under $150. Good Quality. Recommendations PLEASE?
I'm going to buy a new dSLR camera as an upgrade to my Canon Rebel Xti. I've narrowed the choices down to 2, and would.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.