Google Ads not on Mahalo Answers and Pages but on stubs. Is this intended or overlooked?

For one, we had discussed a similar issue in a question regarding Google AdSense ads appearing on managed pages in a similar question to this. It was discovered that you had to be logged out of Mahalo before you can actually see the advertisements. The only exception to this, I think, is if you are on the GoTeam, QC Team, or have sheriff powers.In these instances, the advertisements and sponsored links do show up, but you are prohibited from clicking on any of your own links.(This is also another reason why you have to be logged out of Mahalo to see the ads on your own pages, as this a very big AdSense rule, and it is listed in their terms of service that every advertiser and publisher has to agree to.

) With regards to questions and answers, however, the issue is not just a matter of being logged out of Mahalo, but could also be related to how long the question has been in the system. You will notice that some of the older questions have more advertisements, while it takes some time for new questions to have ads. Every time that you ask a question, that question gets its own page in the system.

When the page is created, the title of the question becomes a part of the URL. In order for Google AdSense ads to be placed on a page, the page has to first be crawled by the Google search engine spiders. This sometimes happens within a couple of hours, and other times it can take a couple of days or even more.

(There are a number of factors involved here. ) On a topic page in Mahalo, when a "sponsored links" section is added to a new page, there are sometimes some default advertisements that appear here automatically, but in general, the ads do not always appear immediately. I do not think that stub pages are supposed to have any ads at all.

I am not sure about this, but since they are pulled from the index, I would think that also means that they are pulled from AdSense as well. I am not finding the venture capitalists sub page that you are talking about.(If it was there, but is gone now, then most likely it was an oversight and someone has corrected this.) There is a venture capital stub, but there are no ads on this page.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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