Government defecit cuts - why is cameron targeting the poorest?

What I don't get is how exactly its going to work. If he cuts jobs then those people become dependent on the state - claiming JSA, housing benefit, council tax benefit etc. If he cuts things like child benefit and tax credits, poorer families who are already struggling will go under, lose their homes etc and the state will have to pick up the pieces. Remember that we are a Welfare State and people have to be provided with the basics of life by law.

Someone who loses their job has to be supported by the state. A family who gets repossessed has to be rehoused by the local council. So its like they save money in one area but it will ultimately cost more in another.

Targetting the higher earners would make MUCH more sense - ie all those useless civil servants who get a rise every year for no reason (my ex husband was one) - a pay freeze and a ban on recruitment, plus stop contracting companies like ATOS Origin to do things like Incapacity Benefit Medicals and just let the DWP do them like they used to do. Money could be saved in many ways without having to target the poor. But Cameron is a Conservative and he will always look out for his mates - his old schoolfriends and suchlike, and I'm talking about the six-figure earners here.

You can guarantee their public sector jobs will be safe .

YES. Public sector workers are just an expense for the exchequer. If they would just go on srtike, the governmnet would save at least a million pounds a day.

FACT. 30% of Scottish workers work (either directly or indirectly ) for the government. All other workers pay for their wages and inflated pensions.

FACT. The head of the NHS department NICE, received a 100% salary increase some years ago. The poor always get hurt by Labour.

That is what they do.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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