McDonald's Red: the main staff, the technical laborers - cooks etc. MD Blue: the middle manager logistics, work flow staff.MD Gold: the senior management. Star Trek: Red - engineering and technical, Blue - sciences and analysis fields, Gold - commandIn a few years we might see McDonald's staff wearing communication badges to replace those headsets. Are phasers on their hips far behind?
Are they the precursor to the Federation? Should we be worried? Asked by NanoNano 45 months ago Similar questions: noticed McDonald's uniform colors mirror crew original series Star Trek Food & Drink > Food.
Similar questions: noticed McDonald's uniform colors mirror crew original series Star Trek.
Holy crap! Oh my gosh! That is eerie.
I totally see it. They all have black pants, too. Next time you go through that drive through you'll have to ask the crew member on the squawk box if they can beam you up a Big Mac.
Has anyone else noticed that McDonald's uniform colors now mirror those of the crew on the original series Star Trek Enterprise crew? I hadn't. Thanks for the heads up.
Are phasers on their hips far behind? Yikes, what a thought. The answer is no.
If pizza driver can't even have pepper spray then McD's staff won't have phasers. Are they the precursor to the Federation? Maybe... but the Federation is a long way off.
We haven't even made first contact. Should we be worried? McD's is something to worry about no matter what.
A world presence run by a clown. Yikes. Sources:
3 McDonald's girls THOSE girls?...................McDonald's french fries are the best on earth! BYE! . McDonald's girls THOSE girls?...................McDonald's french fries are the best on earth! BYE!
" " can anyone recomend the best book on the "making" of the original Star Trek t.v. Series? Please help!
" "Am I imagining it, or have some of the episodes of the original Star Trek been modified with additional visuals?" "is the Vulcan female on star trek enterprise the same one on the original star trek that was on Vulcan when spock&kirk" "Does anyone know of a Star Trek convention coming up this year that would have the Enterprise crew as guests? " "What is the beworst Star Trek series? " "In original Star Trek series, which of the "enemy" races saluted by slapping a stiff arm w/closed fist against chest?
Original TNG DS9 Voyager are more than welcome to answer.
Can anyone recomend the best book on the "making" of the original Star Trek t.v. Series? Please help!
Is the Vulcan female on star trek enterprise the same one on the original star trek that was on Vulcan when spock&kirk.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.