Has anyone used Bare Minerals powder foundation? Does it cover up redness?

Similar questions: Bare Minerals powder foundation cover redness.

Yes, it does for me! I get ruddy cheeks after showering, and use Bare Minerals. I am always amazed at how the redness disappears using it!

I do one cheek at a time sometimes, just to test it, and it's very obvious that it covers the red well. I highly recommended it. It will cover rosacea, I've been told many times.

Here is an interesting tutorial on Bare Minerals that you might enjoy-- community.livejournal.com/bareescentuals... Poppet! 's Recommendations Bare Escentuals - Foundation (9 g) Amazon List Price: $25.00 Bare Escentuals Bare Basics Foundation Kit - #2.0 Light 5 Piece It seems pricey to buy, but you only use a little bit each time and it will last quite a while.

Yes and yes** I use Bare Mineral because I have Rosacea; it does cover redness. But more important to me is that it is healthy for my face...well, make that healthier than conventional make up. And if LordForbid!

I forget to take it off and sleep in my makeup---it's must not as bad as with some other kind of make up. It took me a while to get the hang of powder makeup-a little goes a long way! But now I'm pretty good at it.

Actually, I like to leave the apple of my cheek area on my face without anything--as the redness 'works' for me there. Lol I've tried pancake--yuck. I've tried the green stuff--yuck.

This I've found to be the best cover. Wishing you luck! Sources: Life lessons...

The only one I use There products work GREAT. I am going through "THE MENOPAUSE"-LOL! And have what I call "ruddy" skin right now, this foundation makes me look 15 years younger.

One of my best friends has alot of redness on her face & she uses it and it works wonders. Its all in the application. I use the foundation, all of the brongzers/blushes...the "BARE RADIANCE" is to fie for.

I apply that after the foundation & it gives you that young dewy look. I like the mineral vale and all of the lipglosses. One thing about this company, if you buy it, there is a 60 dsy guarentee, so you have nothing to lose............except redness!.

1 Thanks everybody, I appreciate all of your help.

Thanks everybody, I appreciate all of your help.

" "i have rosacea. Any good concelear out there to cover the redness? I have seen on t.v.

Bareminerals, any good? " "i need new make up, somthing that looks and feels natural. I was thinking about bare minerals or loreal bare naturale.

" "Matte/podwered? Glossy/liquid? Sheer?

Bare minerals? Mousse-y? Which of these makeups do you prefer?

" "What is the difference b/t: Bare Escentuals/Bare Minerals, L'Oreal Bare Naturale mineral makeup & PF mineral powder? " "Bare Minerals Prime Time Foundation Primer" "bare minerals eye shadows?" "I just started using Bare Minerals makeup. Does anyone else use it?

What do you think of it?" "Any Bare Minerals horror stories? " "BARE MINERALS cosmetics...Have you used them? Do you like them?

Share your experiences...

I have rosacea. Any good concelear out there to cover the redness? I have seen on t.v.

Bareminerals, any good?

I need new make up, somthing that looks and feels natural. I was thinking about bare minerals or loreal bare naturale.

Bare Minerals Prime Time Foundation Primer.

I just started using Bare Minerals makeup. Does anyone else use it? What do you think of it?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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