Has the economic downturn and the constant negativism been weakening your spirituality? There seems to be no peace?

There seems to be no peace Asked by GoldenLion 15 months ago Similar questions: economic downturn constant negativism weakening spirituality peace Society > Religion & Spirituality.

Similar questions: economic downturn constant negativism weakening spirituality peace.

I used to be very spiritual, but now I am not. But I don't see how that could affect your spirituality. It is not God's fault.

He is not the Master Puppeteer pulling the strings making all these things happen.

I appreciate the honestyperhaps I am to far on Babylon GoldenLion 15 months ago .

Are we being held captive by the liberal mediaare we stressed by high gov spending and unemploymentare we distracted from worshipping God GoldenLion 15 months ago .

Can't help you there. I think it is up to each person to decide how much credence to give the liberal media. If you are a true Christian, I do not see how all this affects how you worship God.

You could help, but you like to bite at a people. You take no positions. Credence is another way of saying "you take some good" and "you take some evil".

Why should the viewer had to take deception and manipulation in any form on a constant basis? This is the error in your logic. GoldenLion 15 months ago .

I am plain spoken, I do not bite at people. If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. I most certainly do take positions.

You preach too much. This is not a religious forum.

No, it hasn't. I've been studying the Bible and attending Beth Moore and prayer workshops at my church. That has caused me to feel a strength in spirituality.

Make sure you have food stored. Times are about to become much harder than you ever could image. Be prepared.

GoldenLion 15 months ago .

Now I know you don't like money and the things money can buy. So what do you like? GoldenLion 15 months ago .

Free time. I own my home and my family is with me. Time is precious.

But many have seen worse. I think I complained too much.

GL, it's a time that is a-changin'. We are moving into another cycle and the old materialism will fall away. Goals will not be for money, power, and all the rest.

I'm retired, by the way, so am not directly affected. As for peace, why not see what Peace Pilgrim did: htm.

Religion is for people who fear hell; Spirituality is for people who've been to hell. What does this mean? " "Spiritually speaking, there doesn't seem to be a lot of activity in the Religion & Spirituality section, does there?" ""Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it.

" comments? " (10 answers) "Religion & Spirituality" "Why isn't Religion & Spirituality listed under Main categories? I didn't realize the category existed.

" "I am taking a poll on this question, "What is the difference between spirituality and religion? "" (10 answers) "How would you define spirituality?" "Your 'Change category' does not work. You put my 'computer' question into 'Religion & Spirituality.

'" "Is this by Walt Whitman? Note the bearing on the current threads re 'organized religion' as contrasted w/ spirituality.

Religion is for people who fear hell; Spirituality is for people who've been to hell. What does this mean?

Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it. " comments? " (10 answers).

Your 'Change category' does not work. You put my 'computer' question into 'Religion & Spirituality.

Note the bearing on the current threads re 'organized religion' as contrasted w/ spirituality.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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