How do you view fashion in this economic downturn?

I actually view fashion as I always have. While I may buy a few new items of clothing in a season, I tend to stick to items I like...not ones that are dictated as "this years". I like to be stylish with out being a puppet.

Because of that, the downturn has had little impact on my shopping habits. I am not alone and it would be wise of retailers to purchase classic items for people like me :D I will spend more on a well made item that will last for several years in colors that are right for me, than poorly made trendy items.

I view fashion as silliness whether the economy is doing well or not. Here's a hub that I just wrote in which I list it as one of my favorite Retailers will do, by definition, whatever is necessary to sell as much stuff as possible. And since consumer spending is such a big part of our economy, the fashion cycle should be sped up during a recession.

We need people to buy more than ever during bad times.

I don't think they can slow it down, it changes constantly, but since we have gone through every style at least twice now, I think everything is in fashion.

Fashion, whatever the economic circumstances of the time, is just another method for the entrepreneurs to screw money out of the unthinking fashion slaves; it wouldn't do for fashion to have a 'longer life.

Well, call me flowerchild if you care to, but fashion (at it's very root) is art. Gotta love art. The Industry has it's pitfalls: marketers gone wild.

I think that we've been fed so much for so long that the public doesn't have a healthy appetite anymore, we're fad obese. But they're just trying to think before the consumer thinks, as to not fall behind in a very competitive market. Ultimately, it's "who's buying?"; right now, retailers are leaning on the whims of teenagers.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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