Have a recipe that calls for maple sugar and all I have is maple syrup. Should I use the same amount syrup?

Have a recipe that calls for maple sugar and all I have is maple syrup. Should I use the same amount syrup? Asked by fredmonster 15 months ago Similar questions: recipe calls maple sugar syrup amount Food & Drink > Cooking.

Similar questions: recipe calls maple sugar syrup amount.

I have a recipe that used 1 cup of sugar and I substituted 3/4 cup of maple syrup. If your recipe has other wet ingredients (egg, water or something else) I would go with a ratio of about 75% syrup to the amount of sugar involved. And don't substitute fake maple syrup for the real thing.

What's the recipe? That might help a little with figuring out how much.

Its a bread pudding recipe. I think the ratio you suggested sounds good. I'll just cut the milk a bit to compensate for the extra liquid.

Thanks! Fredmonster 15 months ago .

1) Maple "sugar" is dry; maple "syrup" is wet.2) Almost any "maple" syrup is going to be badly flavored corn syrup, which has a different consistency.

Haven't had the log cabin stuff for years. I'm with you, yuck. Does it even have any maple syrup in it?

I've seen maple sugar before, but never used it. Its a crystallized form of real maple syrup. Anyway, I adjusted for the added liquid and it turned fine.

Fredmonster 15 months ago .

As someone said before you would substitute the maple sugar using 3/4 of maple syrup but then you need to reduce the other wet ingredients as well since you are now using a wet sweetener. You can find a good article about cooking with maple syrup in the attached link. Enjoy and share your recipe!

Richard html.

Sorry Gary, don't understand your answer. Fredmonster 15 months ago .

I was trying to respond to another comment:"2) Almost any "maple" syrup is going to be badly flavored corn syrup, which has a different consistency. "The syrup that I buy is real. Not corn.

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