Thats why we have a representative government. The founding fathers wisdom included awareness of the ignorance of the masses.
What part of the word TROLL do you need explained to you.
No. Most of the irresponsible don't vote anyway.
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. " -Winston Churchill.
Unfortunately our nanny state has declared the legal voting age at 18. I know 40 year olds who are too stupid to be drinking, but again, unfortunately the "legal" drinking age is 21. It makes me almost wish that people could be liscensed based upon thier own common sense!
Your question has much validity but your conclusion is false. The issue isn't "too much freedom" but rather, too much bureaucratic autocracy. The problem is the Department of Education and its constant corrupt interference is supposed to be a State run Public School System.It isn't by chance that education has been dumbed down to such a degree in the last 30 years.
I draw your attention to this link. Specifically, the list of education based books written by this person under the heading "WORKS". How many of the text books and teachers guides our teachers are trained with were authored by an admitted anti-American bomb throwing radical? Our citizens are not stupid but many of us are ignorant of our own…. Be nice if we had reps that did what they promised.
The problem is that they have let big money buy both parties and most of the politicians so their votes don't really count. They get the same government no matter who they vote for. They have two choices and both are owned by the same big money that has to change.
I'm sorry that not all Americans are as enlightened as you. Perhaps we should elect someone with a Harvard education to lead us into more prosperous times, balance our budget and stablilize our foreign policy. Oh wait.. .
We're trying that now. And that guy has an approval rating barely above 40%.
That is because so few decisions are actually made by our elected representatives. Simple things like a $20 per week payroll tax deduction that robs more money from social security, or our state laws that are overruled by international agreements if the state accepts grants from the federal government as is everything that goes on in the country now. I really don't understand why people argue about this party or the other.
They are making fools of all of us. The country is being completely transformed through executive orders, agencies, and czars. We have nothing to say about it.
Fortunately, many of the more irresponsible and ignorant don't even bother to vote. So it call works out.
Alot of it has to do with pride than someone who lacks the knowledge for truth. I want the black man to win! I want the white woman to win!
I want the first Mormon to win. Who cares he ran the state of Mass into the ground, what matters is he a Mormon like me. If you found out that both parties are paid and bought by the Illuminiti and they are putting on a show for the American people.
If you ever watch fake wrestling you know what I mean they already picked the winner before the wrestling match begin. The producer of the show aka Illuminiti and the owners of fake wrestling Rockafellas and Rothchilds has already picked the winner Romney. The network aka media controls the viewers of what goes behind the doors so no one can change the results of the winning ticket.
The network doesn't want you to know that Bachmmann, Perry, and Newt are being paid by the Illuminiti to help Romney get elected into office. They do this by purposely making the Tea Party look bad so people would vote for Romney.
Google polls and you will see each poll numbers are different for each candidate. Huffington post numbers are different than Rasmussen Report. One will say Obama is the lead while the other will say Romney in the lead.
The truth is the big corporation bought our president fair and square. It doesn't matter who you vote for they have already decided it for you by rigging the polls and the election. They did the same thing with Bush in 2004!
Everyone knows he cheated his way to be reelected into office..He got the help through the Illuminiti also known as the Freemason. Google it! The Illuminiti has picked the winner for you!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.