Have you ever bought a designer handbag in a consignment store?

Yes, I have many of times. I found a purse at tj maxxx is was a marc jacobs purse, for $229 thats almost half of what the retail price was. I also bought a purse from a cute little gift store in Miami, completely real, and for about 25% off hte retail value.

Just be careful where you shop and always check the inside of the purse. (If you are really into designer purses you should be able to tell if its real or fake). For example the inside of a fake coach purse may read something like this: This is a coach bag.It was handcrafted in china from natural cowhide leather.

The variations in the grain are characteristic of natural full grain leather. Its superior craftsmanship and attention to detail reflect our commitment to enduring quality. I even have one fake one that say detall instead of detail.

I thought that was pretty funny. And an example of what a real coach purse reads: This is a coach bag.It was handcrafted in China from the finest materials trimmed with genuine leather. Its superior craftsmanship and attention to detail reflect our commitment to enduring quality.

So just be careful when looking for a designer purse in consignment stores. What may seem like a good deal may not really be. I hope this helps:).

All I can say is to be careful what you buy and keep the receipt. I bought my wife a coach bag while we were down in San Juan Lucas for only $45. About a week later the material started fading off of the bag.

The bag came with a serial number and coach card but turned out to be fake. We were both fooled. Well I really don't know anything about bags but she does but still... I guess thats whats to be expected from buying something in Mexico anyways.

Yes. Many times you can find bargins like that and others do not realize it.

I often buy designer handbag from :buy-chanel-handbags.com/ and buybestchanel.com/ online ,the store has various of bags brands,and meet today's fashion trends! If you have interest to buy chanel bags ,the store is a good choice!

No I wish! I never have enough money to.. I find that ross has very cute bags though :) yay!

Yes TJ Max sells some very nice designer hand bags. They have Coach and Donney two of my favorite brands of purses. They are not fake they are the real thing for almost half the price sometimes.

Here you go :cheaplvshop.com/ buy-cheap-louis-vuitton-handbags.com/ buy-cheap-lv-handbags.com/ cheaplouisvuittonshop.com/ which is my favorite online store to buy louis vuitton 2011 handbag ,good quality and cheap price!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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