Is imprisonment possible for buying a knockoff designer handbag on eBay?

I had not heard this story, but I guess anything is possible. The hard part is fake purses can look almost identical to the real ones. So my thought would be the buyer should return it and the seller should be obligated to give a full refund.

If the seller did not know they had a fake purse, I do not see how they can go to jail. With all of the transactions that happen on Ebay every minute of every day. I would have to assume fakes (of any kind, purses, paintings, antiques etc) do accidentally and unknowingly get sold.It is really hard to believe someone could go to jail if it was (and it can be) an honest mistake.

I had a painting 2 years back, I researched and could still not tell if it was authentic or not. I spent alot of time writing a detailed description on everything I did know, and I explained, the artist was known for reproductions. S reproductions were so hard to differentiate between the real thing.

I explained the buyer should assume it is a reproduction, and if it wasn't, they were in luck. But, had I not researched the item prior to listing, I would have assumed it was real.

I had not heard this story, but I guess anything is possible. The hard part is fake purses can look almost identical to the real ones. So my thought would be the buyer should return it and the seller should be obligated to give a full refund.

If the seller did not know they had a fake purse, I do not see how they can go to jail. With all of the transactions that happen on Ebay every minute of every day. I would have to assume fakes (of any kind, purses, paintings, antiques etc) do accidentally and unknowingly get sold.

It is really hard to believe someone could go to jail if it was (and it can be) an honest mistake. I had a painting 2 years back, I researched and could still not tell if it was authentic or not. I spent alot of time writing a detailed description on everything I did know, and I explained, the artist was known for reproductions.

His reproductions were so hard to differentiate between the real thing. I explained the buyer should assume it is a reproduction, and if it wasn't, they were in luck. But, had I not researched the item prior to listing, I would have assumed it was real.

I had not heard this story, but I guess anything is possible. The hard part is fake purses can look almost identical to the real ones. So my thought would be the buyer should return it and the seller should be obligated to give a full refund.

If the seller did not know they had a fake purse, I do not see how they can go to jail. With all of the transactions that happen on Ebay every minute of every day. I would have to assume fakes (of any kind, purses, paintings, antiques etc) do accidentally and unknowingly get sold.

It is really hard to believe someone could go to jail if it was (and it can be) an honest mistake. I had a painting 2 years back, I researched and could still not tell if it was authentic or not. I spent alot of time writing a detailed description on everything I did know, and I explained, the artist was known for reproductions.

His reproductions were so hard to differentiate between the real thing. I explained the buyer should assume it is a reproduction, and if it wasn't, they were in luck. But, had I not researched the item prior to listing, I would have assumed it was real.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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