Have you ever driven after drinking? What made you make the decision that you made?

I have, and I thank the stars every day I did not kill anyone else or myself. I was always close to home, which doesn't make it right. The one time I almost did kill myself was from being tired, not drunk.

I was coming home from my job at 4 a.m. And almost ran into a bridge support on the interstate. I think what made me drink and drive was youthful arrogance.

The young think they're invincible. I also know what made me never do it again, and that was when my husband was killed while driving drunk. I am everyone's designated driver now.

I have to admit that in my younger days, I have driven home drunk. We would all meet at some bar and listen to the band and drink and then I would have to drive home by myself. I know it wasn't right, but I did it anyway.

I remember how I used to get in the car and sit down, start the car up, and then sit back and take some deep breaths. I would then say to myself-concentrate. I would drive very conservatively and watch what I was doing.

Usually I wasn't very far from home so thank goodness I always made it home safe. I sure as heck wouldn't do that anymore. :-).

Plenty of times in my younger days. I always drove slower and payed attention to all the traffic signals. I think the people you here about with DUI accidents are the ones that race around as if they are immortal.

Also back when I was young the DUI thing was completely different then today. I had gotten pulled over where the Cop knew I was drinking and just told me take it easy and get the light fixed. They didn't arrest you like they do today.

Especially if you knew the cop from town.

I am happy to say that I have not - at least to my recollection. I stopped drinking many years ago. I thought it was fun to do during college but after college I didn't see a point to drinking.

On very rare occasions I might have some kind of funny frozen drink at a restaurant but then my husband will drive. I suspect people drive while drunk because they think that they aren't as drunk as they actually are. They don't realize that their decision making time and reaction time really are reduced because they feel just fine.

This is merely speculation after remembering many nights of drinking where I was sure I was acting fine but when I thought about it the next day, I'm pretty sure that I wasn't. It would be nice if people who drink and drive would realize this but I'm sure many people try to skirt the system because they don't want to admit what they have been doing by showing up at home in a taxi.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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