What was the hardest decision you've ever had to make? What did you do to ensure you made the best decision possible?

When I was 22, I had to decide whether or not to move to California to be with my boyfriend. I didn't feel able to make a very solid decision, since he was saying he wanted me there, and then in the next breath, saying he didn't. It went back and forth like that for a while, but if I was going to move, it had to be by a certain date.

I ended up deciding that maybe it wasn't a great decision, but I was going to take the risk, because at least that way, I wouldn't have to wonder. I moved, it was great for about a month, and then it went to hell. I gave up my apartment, my job, moved away from everyone I knew, and basically went broke in the process.It was a horrible experience in many ways.

But I can still say that I don't have to wonder what might have been. Nothing could have been. I feel better able to make decisions because of it.

The hardest decision that I have ever made was 14 years ago. I was 24 years old at that time and I went abroad to work as a physiotherapist. It is one of my dreams to work abroad because I will be earning a lot.

But during my stay there I was lonely and homesick. I miss my boyfriend. Part of me wanted to stay because I know that I will be passing up a great opportunity and another part of me wanted to go home and be with my boyfriend.

I was afraid to disappoint my family and friends for they expect a lot from me. Most of my friends at that time wanted to go abroad so I guess they don't expect me to go home because I am going to give up a lot. My family would be unhappy for me to go home because they know that I am going to give up something that will make me financially secure in the future.

I tried but I succumbed to depression. I found it hard to wake up in the morning, I just want to sleep. Although my work was not affected but it took me a lot of effort to do everything right.

I tried to be happy by buying the things which I thought would make me happy. I realized that whatever I do I am still not happy. I prayed hard like I've never prayed before.

I offered everything to God, my fears, uncertainties, unhappiness, everything. I told God that I know there are consequences that I have to face in making the decision to go home and I just told m to never ever leave me whatever happens. This helped me a lot.

I also read motivational and inspiring books to strengthen me to face my family and friend's disappointment. I called my sister who is a nun and she gave me a very helpful advice. She told me to stop pleasing everybody because in the process I am going to lose myself.

I will find it hard to know what really makes me happy. She said "we love you, our parents love you, and I am sure that they will not be happy to find you working abroad with plenty of money, has a successful career, but lonely. Yes, they will be disappointed but in the long run they will be happy to see you happy."

That difficult decision that I made gave me an important lessons in life. That things cannot make me happy and that I cannot please everybody. I might as well make myself pleasing to God.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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