I got into Farmville through my friends on Facebook. At first I was playing constantly just to try to catch up to them and reach their levels. They helped me along with tips and hints about the game.
From that point on, I was totally hooked. I love the animals, especially the ugly duckling. He’s just so adorable.
I love the idea that you can rescue this poor little ugly duckling who no one else wants and that he eventually turns into a beautiful swan. It also helps that my mother really likes the game. We can talk to each other for hours just about Farmville.
I know it sounds silly, but the game has actually brought us closer together. I always liked video games, but she wasn’t very interested in them. Now we finally have a game that we both love equally!
It’s awesome to be able to go to my mother’s farm and help her out.
Oh, I've heard of FarmVille, probably just a bit too much for my liking. But I don't play, never have. I know people who are addicted though.
We'll be sitting around on our computers, I'll be on Mahalo, he'll be on facebook games. I asked this kid why he liked it so much. He said it was because he has nothing better to do.
Which I guess makes sense. But there still has to be some sort of appeal, right? I mean, I wouldn't go tip a cow just because I didn't have anything better to do.
There needs to be some pleasure in an activity, if you're choosing to take part in it willingly. My theory is that is simulates real life in a way. You have responsibilities, you own things, you watch things grow and basically determine the life or death of these things.
I think at first it's fun to mess around with the game, kill some plants, see what it's all about, but after a while, you crave it because it is sort of secretly teaching you about life. I mean, why do people keep asking about cheats in order to get more money and experience? They want to continue building their business and be successful.
Yes, they're trying to cheat, but if played by the rules, I think the game is a tool to learn how to budget time, money, and space. When you think about it, that's a lot power, even for a facebook game.
My husband loves to play Farmville and plays it every chance he gets. (Personally I would rather play on Mahalo). Even though we live an a ranch with plenty to do outside I often catch my husband staying up to the wee hours of the morning "farming" and collecting his animals.
I would guess he may spend 10 hours a week on it, a little less now that he is back on the road trucking--though he does have his lap top in his truck so he can keep track of the farm. I suppose he may also use it to check his loads. I do believe this is just as time consuming as a video or computer game.In fact he stopped using his play station 3 to farm.
He does not compete with his riends for the nicest farm although I belive he does have the biggest out of all his friends and has the most money and points of the people he knows.
FarmVille lets players cultivate their farms by plowing, planting and harvesting crops and trees. Players also care for their farm animals: milking their cows and collecting eggs from their chickens. FarmVille was the top game by daily active users on Facebook between August 2009 and December 2010, when CityVille claimed the top spot.
We continue to enhance the social aspects of the game, including in-game gifting to friends, cooperative crafting jobs and trading goods in the farmer’s market. In March 2011, we released FarmVille English Countryside, which provides players the opportunity to create a second farm styled after an English country farm. In our first retail tie-in in May 2010, we partnered with 7-Eleven to offer FarmVille-branded game cards and items on many of the convenience retailer’s products, including Slurpee and Big Gulp drinks in nearly 7,000 stores.
We partnered with Lady Gaga in May 2011 by creating GagaVille — a Lady Gaga-inspired farm where players could visit and listen to songs from her album Born This Way.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.