I personally prefer to just log in using Facebook whether I am feeling chatty or not. If I'm not feeling chatty, I usually just turn my Facebook instant messenger off. With my friends they know that means I'm not feeling like talking.
However I do have the occassionaly friend pop on when I am doing my farm, and they chat, so I will say a few words, then disappear, or I am just honest and say "hey I'm not in the mood to talk much, just doing some farming so my crops don't rot! " They are normally very understanding... As for FarmVille|farmville. Com I have never tried using it, I have heard it's just a pain in the rear.
I may check it out, but I honestly don't farm much anymore....I have turned into quite the Cafe World fan!
I also prefer to log in using Facebook. Sometimes I might have someone who wants to chat but most of my friends don’t use the chat. The only one who might pop up to chat would be my youngest daughter.
Which is okay because then if I have any questions I can ask her because she is an old pro at farming. Actually, I probably don’t spend much time there so; there isn’t enough time to pop up on me. I have heard that the feed on Farmville.Com loads faster, but I have never tested it.
I guess to people who have a lot of friends who like to chat it would be the perfect solution because you wouldn’t have to log in on Facebook to play.
I just don't play Farmville! They can get access to your information when you connect with Facebook, you know. ;).
I always sign on to Facebook whenever I play any of my games. I didn't even know anything about an installation of of plug-in at Farmville.com. If I would go there and see the plug-in, I wouldn't install it.
I have enough things on my computer. It's much easier just to login to Facebook and play. If you just want to farm and not chat, simply turn your chat off on Facebook and play the game as usual.
That's what I do when I don't want to be disturbed. Sometimes I like to talk to my friends about the game and see if I can get some help from them at the time, but if I am in a hurry, I turn chat off and just play.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.