I have never borrowed any money just by calling someone on the phone with no questions asked, nor do I know anyone that has. I certainly don't have any kind of reputation of ever having large sums of money or great job to be able to pay back a loan of any large magnitude. It doesn't surprise me that people with the status of Donald Trump can do such a thing though.
He has so much collateral that if he can't pay back the money, the creditors certainly know where and how they can get their money back. Any one of his businesses could pay off a loan he takes out. I suppose that's one of the perks of being a famous person, just pick up the phone and get whatever you desire, for the most part.
While I have never taken out a loan based on a sales pitch, I have applied for a credit card that offered a low interest and the potential of transferring balances from other cards at a low annual percentage rate as well. The good news was that I was approved but the bad news was that the credit limit was not a lot to write home about and of course the APR was not as low as they had promised in the original offer letter either. After that happened to me a couple of times, I began being really selective about which offers I applied to which is key because every time someone runs your credit, it decreases your score slightly.So I would advise anyone to check all of the facts with any offer because if it seems to good to be true, that usually is the case.
And the way your customer is treated when they first contact you, whether it's by phone, email or in person, will determine whether they stick around to hear your sales pitch or head for the competition. Finding Solutions to Your Small Business Sales ChallengesThere's no doubt about it - these are some of the leanest times ever for small businesses trying to grow or even just survive. Frustration with the lack of sales can lead some businesses to leap at every new idea for generating sales that they come across.
Here's why that won't work and a tip for what can. 4 Common Sales and Marketing Practices that Fail in the New EconomyOne challenge of the new economy is that common business principles and practices that were sufficient on which to build a business just a few years ago, today are not. Find out if you're using one of the four most common sales practices that no longer work.
10 Ways to Differentiate Your Customer Service & Make Your Clients Actually Feel Valued How often are you told by businesses that you are a "valuable customer" only to be treated quite the opposite? Giving good customer service requires much more than assuring customers of their worth to you. It requires standing behind those statements with actions.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.