Have you ever took out an instant refund loans, also called refund anticipation loans or Income Tax Refund Loans?

Do it now before your state decides they will send you there I.O. U . This is a good way get your money,but very high vig.

Desperate people will resort to desperate measures. Unfortunately I have seen many people, especially those getting back thousands of dollars, use the refund anticipation loan to get it sooner. Without sounding at all rude, many unemployed or welfare families receive enormous tax refunds due to the Earned Income Credit.

Single mothers with a few children yield enormous refunds. And I can only presume that because they are rarely financially stable, they are eager to get their refund back without hesitation.

Do it now before your state decides they will send you there I.O.U . This is a good way get your money,but very high vig.

Tax refund anticipation loans do not make sense to me form the point of view of the tax filer. It simply satisfies the urge for instant gratification at a large cost in terms of interest payment and fees. Filing your return electronically and linking any expected refund to your bank via direct deposit is faster and more convenient than the traditional snail mail method.

This will not provide you wit insatnt access to your money, but it will spare you of the interest payments.

I don't see the purpose for them. We filed our taxes about a week or two ago and just received our refund. With electronic filing, the days of it taking the IRS months to get you a tax refund are done.

For the honor of having your money immediately, you have to pay a fee. If you wait a week or two, you will get the full amount. It's bad enough that any money gotten back on a tax refund is an interest free loan to the government; it's worse to lose more of it because you can't wait two weeks.

No to pay that ridiculous fee is crazy. What did they do before this? If you need money that bad it's cheaper to put it on your credit card and then pay it off.

If your to young to have a credit card borrow from the bank of dad.

I had my taxes done with H&R BLOCK for the 7th year in a row. I have never had a problem until now. I was "accidentally" sent a RAC check, issued in my previously married name.

I was expecting a Emerald Card to be issued in my name and mailed to me, because I wasn't asking for an immediate $1000.00 loan. The tax advisor told me it was a $35.00 fee for a Emerald Card. I electronically signed my refund away.

This was 8 weeks ago. I was issued the check, and no bank would cash it because I no longer hold ID's in my name. I went back to H&R BLOCK...my tax rep had no idea what to do, and he reached out to someone else in H&R BLOCK via an Messaging System.

They told me to mail back the physical check, with a check replacement form, and a letter of instruction telling them to load the funds on to the card. The tax rep then issued me a card, but failed to put my info on it. When I mailed everything out, I included a copy of the messaging conversation.

I mailed it priority mail, guaranteed with a tracking number. It was delivered successfully.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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