Hey this is my dogs third heat she got stuck for less then 7 mins she started over two weeks ago is she pregnant?

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Probably, they don't need to tie for long, he ejaculated within a couple minutes of making the tie. The reason they stay tied is to ensure that his sperm doesn't drip out of her. Is this her first litter?

Please consider having her spayed, there are so many dogs and puppies sitting in shelters waiting for homes. Allowing you dog to breed just increases the over population problem and denies shelter animals a home, and at some shelters they are euthanized. >>>fmhs.org/home/spay_neuter/why-spay-neute... aspx.

Honestly, they could be. Are you trying to breed? Or trying to keep them apart?

I am not a SPAY AND NEUTER ALL PETS kind of person. I do own two Bostons that I breed RESPONSIBLY. But if you are going to breed, finding loving homes FIRST for the puppies, is the best thing to do.

You don't want any of your puppies to end up in a pound or a shelter. But to answer your question, they could be bred. If you are not wanting this then just separate them for a couple more weeks.

If she is pregnant, you should be able to tell by looking at her belly at about 4 weeks later, especially on smaller/skinnier females, or you could also take her to the Vet. If you are wanting this, then you should make sure that more ties do happen. I know with my male, he will tie short at first, then longer and longer each time.

He always looks for mommy's and daddy's approval before even jumping on a female. Except for once, which of course was the time I didn't want him to breed with my female just yet.

No I didn't want to breed I just don't have enough money to get her fixed and and she has never breed before or even been around a male dog but she cant have puppies doggydayz13 3 months ago .

Very likely --- as soon as she stops showing signs of being in heat she could be spayed or you can wait to see if she has puppies and spay her as soon as they are weaned .

Because with the situation you described I would say that is just what she is going to do --- once again I have to say if you can't afford to care for the dog properly -- vaccinations spay/neuter heartworm preventative -- you should reconsider keeping a dog -- its money you can't afford to spend and its not fair to the dog to not be properly cared for --- as to the cost of the spay every city / town has some sort of program to help with low cost spays -- you will just have to find them -- the best place to start is to ask your veterinarian -- I work with the county at one of my clinics and we spay animals for $35 cost to the owner -- at my other clinic we work with the humane society and there is no cost to the owner --- ask around and I bet you will find something like this near you .

Hmmmmm..lemme check wif my doggie crystal ball pregnancy test ......she could be .... :) .

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How can I know who is the dad? " "I gave birth 7 weeks ago and just started taking birth control 3 weeks ago and have been bleeding for 2 weeks straight i" "my dogs got stuck in early morning, I heard her yelp before I awoke and pulled them apart. Could she be pregnant" "how long after my dogs get stuck, will my female become pregnant?

" "its been 1 month since my dogs heat still has discharge . Why? Does this mean she pregnant?

My dogs got stuck for maybe 4 seconds what does that mean is she pregnant and how will I know she's pregnant.

I have a stray dog that had pups 3 weeks ago. Is it possible for her to be in heat again?

My female went into heat three weeks ago but my male will not leave her alone. Will this stop when she goes out of heat?

My girlfriend had her period 2 weeks ago and it seems like she started again but i'm not sure. What does this mean?

My dogs in heat. 3 dogs tried mounting her. I saw one that wa stuck with her down there.

How can I know who is the dad?

I gave birth 7 weeks ago and just started taking birth control 3 weeks ago and have been bleeding for 2 weeks straight i.

My dogs got stuck in early morning, I heard her yelp before I awoke and pulled them apart. Could she be pregnant.

Its been 1 month since my dogs heat still has discharge . Why? Does this mean she pregnant?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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