My dogs in heat. 3 dogs tried mounting her. I saw one that wa stuck with her down there. how can I know who is the dad?

My dogs in heat. 3 dogs tried mounting her. I saw one that wa stuck with her down there.

How can I know who is the dad? Asked by Isabunny 13 months ago Similar questions: dogs heat mounting wa stuck dad Pets > Dogs.

Similar questions: dogs heat mounting wa stuck dad.

You can't. If it matters, you should have taken better care of your dog than letting every dog around mount her.

I'm sorry, but as an animal lover, I have to say this. Shame on you for letting a female dog in heat out where every mangy mutt could jump on her. Now she will have a bunch of puppies that you will most likely not be able to find homes for, and I am sure you won't do the right thing and make sure your now pregnant dog gets the proper prenatal care, much less getting the puppies fixed.Ugh.In my opinon, you are an animal abuser.

Seems like you just want to know which dog did the deed so you can hit its owner up for money.

Like I told the predator guy she was a stray and felt sorry for the dog and I barely took her in like two days ago. So don't call me an animal abuser when you don't even know what the situation is. And for your information I have three other dogs who iv'e gotten fixed, all there shots and look pretty happy so don't say anything before you get your facts right.

Isabunny 13 months ago .

Right. Whatever. You called her your dog.

That means you have accepted responsibility for her, and what happens to her. So make excuses all you like. I stand by what I said.

Actually not all the puppies have to share a father. Dogs and cats can be fetilized by many donors in one pregnancy. Hope it helps.

It was irresponsible of you not to spay your dog (and the male dogs' owners for not neutering them)--especially when there are already so many dogs and cats suffering out there without homes. 70% of these animals are euthanized, and your irresponsible ownership has just added to that population. Why the hell would you want to know who the father is anyway?

Bacause shes a stray and I barely took her in like two days ago. Don't call me irresponsible when you don't even know what the situation is. Isabunny 13 months ago .

Then "explain" a situation in the Details next time you post! .

" "Can female spayed dogs still give off a scent or action that would make male dogs think they are in heat?" "my dogs got stuck 4 days ago. I let them get stuck twice is she pregnant? " "can dogs get colds my dogs sick" "what to do if it sounds like something is stuck in your dogs throat but nothing is there?" "do dogs get stuck together when they mate" "my dog has been in heat for two weeks but there is no dogs coming around my house why?

Its good but I read all this and.

Just found my 2little dogs stuck together how long during pregnancy can I have them aborted.

My dogs got stuck 4 days ago. I let them get stuck twice is she pregnant?

My dogs in heat. 3 dogs tried mounting her. I saw one that wa stuck with her down there.

How can I know who is the dad? Asked by Isabunny 17 months ago Similar Questions: dogs heat mounting wa stuck dad Recent Questions About: dogs heat mounting wa stuck dad Pets > Dogs.

Similar Questions: dogs heat mounting wa stuck dad Recent Questions About: dogs heat mounting wa stuck dad.

You can DNA test the litter when they're born. You will need to a swab of the mother and a swab of the father. The DNA test may cost about $100 per pup, and it's possible that there could be more than one father who inseminated her.

But that is the only way to be absolutely sure. My dog was actually from a split litter. Another dog got in there when the breeders weren't looking.

Luckily, they were all the same breed. Of course, you might be able to tell from the pups who the father is just by looking at them.

I'm sorry, but as an animal lover, I have to say this. Shame on you for letting a female dog in heat out where every mangy mutt could jump on her. Now she will have a bunch of puppies that you will most likely not be able to find homes for, and I am sure you won't do the right thing and make sure your now pregnant dog gets the proper prenatal care, much less getting the puppies fixed.Ugh.

In my opinon, you are an animal abuser. Seems like you just want to know which dog did the deed so you can hit its owner up for money.

Like I told the predator guy she was a stray and felt sorry for the dog and I barely took her in like two days ago. So don't call me an animal abuser when you don't even know what the situation is. And for your information I have three other dogs who iv'e gotten fixed, all there shots and look pretty happy so don't say anything before you get your facts right.

Isabunny 17 months ago .

It was irresponsible of you not to spay your dog (and the male dogs' owners for not neutering them)--especially when there are already so many dogs and cats suffering out there without homes. 70% of these animals are euthanized, and your irresponsible ownership has just added to that population. Why the hell would you want to know who the father is anyway?


Bacause shes a stray and I barely took her in like two days ago. Don't call me irresponsible when you don't even know what the situation is. Isabunny 17 months ago .

How do dogs communicate with other dogs without barking.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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