The symbols are: ®™©. Asked by pseudonymous 45 months ago Similar questions: symbols ®™© Politics & Law > Law.
R is Registered Trademark. C is Copyright R in a circle means Registered Trademark. Usually applies to names or logos.It means it's been filed and accepted.
The second symbol I see in your question is a question mark. Assuming something got displayed incorrectly, I'm going to guess this was TM? TM means a trademark is being claimed, but it's not actually officially registered.
Again, mostly logos and names. C in a circle is copyright. Copyrights don't have to be filed.
As soon as you write something, as long as it's your own words, it's copyrighted. You're free to use this symbol on your websites or wherever if you'd like to. Copyrights do not apply to names or titles.
For example, the name "Harry Potter" can and is trademarked, but the books and the movies are copyrighted. You can also register a copyright, and most publishers will do this before they release a book. Books are almost always registered by the publisher in the author's name.
Here's the Wikipedia page on Copyright. this has helped! Sources: .
The former is for a trademark; the later is for a copyright. A trademark is a fancy legal term meaning the name of something that is sold. If it is unique and is put into interstate commerce, you can register it with the federal government.
For example, thing of a well known cola soft drink made by a company headquartered in Atlanta. If you check the can or bottle, you’ll see the symbol located near the name.
Symbol). The use of the symbol is described in United States copyright law,1 and, internationally, by the Universal Copyright Convention.2 The C stands for copyright.In the United States, the copyright notice consists of three elements: the © symbol, or the word "Copyright" or abbreviation "Copr. "; the year of first publication of the copyrighted work; and an identification of the owner of the copyright, either by name, abbreviation of other designation by which it is generally known.1 "Because the © symbol has long been unavailable on typewriters and ASCII-based computer systems, it has been common to approximate this symbol with the characters (c).
However, this is not legally recognized as a symbol for copyright." Copyrights are available for creative or artistic creations recognized under US copyright law.
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My dell insperion will not turn on and one of the lock symbols is lit. Can you tell me what these lock symbols mean?
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.