I hear you. My hair is in a class of it's own and to this day, stylists can not do my hair as well as I do my own. I did finally decide to go to an African American stylist and she actually did my hair better than anyone else.
The trick is to find a stylist with hair similar to your own. I went through and graduated beauty school and the truth is, we did not learn to much about ethnic hair. I guess it depends where the beauty school is.In our school, none of the customers had ethnic hair either.
If you never do ethnic hair, how can you get good at it? So, I suggest going to a stylist with ethnic hair herself. She has practiced on her own hair every day of her life and is probably good at it.
Look at her hair. How does it look. If it does not look good, do not chose her as a stylist.
Find someone with ethnic hair that looks great. After all, she is a professional of hair. If she can not do her own hair, she is no good.
I hear you. My hair is in a class of it's own and to this day, stylists can not do my hair as well as I do my own. I did finally decide to go to an African American stylist and she actually did my hair better than anyone else.
The trick is to find a stylist with hair similar to your own. I went through and graduated beauty school and the truth is, we did not learn to much about ethnic hair. I guess it depends where the beauty school is.
In our school, none of the customers had ethnic hair either. If you never do ethnic hair, how can you get good at it? So, I suggest going to a stylist with ethnic hair herself.
She has practiced on her own hair every day of her life and is probably good at it. Look at her hair. How does it look.
If it does not look good, do not chose her as a stylist. Find someone with ethnic hair that looks great. After all, she is a professional of hair.
If she can not do her own hair, she is no good.
Emo and Scene Guy hair are all about layers, texture, and color. Almost any length of hair can look emo/scene. 1Grow your hair at least past your eyebrows and get layers cut shorter in the back and longer to the front.
Use a buzzer to cut the back shorter than the front. 2Take scissors and cut the top of the back the same length (on the sides of the back too). 3Go about 2 cm forward and cut it not as short.
Make sure it's a tad longer. 4Keep going towards the bangs and cut it around your ears. 5Cut side bangs.
Cut it shorter-longer from left to right or right to left to make side bangs. 6Razor it so it looks sharper and thinner. 7Take a piece of hair and slide the razor comb to thin the hair out and make it look piecey and pointy at the ends.
With a safety razor: If you can't find a Razor comb, take a thin bunch of hair, twist it, and slide the safety razor down the shaft to give it the edgy look. But be careful because this can cause split ends and break hair if it is used on dry hair. With a Scissor: Take a thin bunch of hair, twist it, and close the scissors slightly, and slide the half open scissors down the hair shaft.
8Style your hair. Use a freeze spray. Straighten your hair and spray the back and run your fingers up to spike up the back.
Be creative and try other things like spiking up the sides and spray the top and wave it to the sides to make side spikes. 9You can dye it if you want and black with blonde streaks would look amazing.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.