Bleaching does look good nd gives you hair a stylish look but your hair needs special treatment after bleaching. In any case you ignore that, they (hair) may start falling or would appear too rough or so..You should look for a detailed information on hair bleach like this one here
Bleaching does look good nd gives you hair a stylish look but your hair needs special treatment after bleaching. In any case you ignore that, they (hair) may start falling or would appear too rough or so..You should look for a detailed information on hair bleach like this one here
I am so sorry to hear that your hair is falling out. If your hair is just breaking off as you comb or falling out all of a sudden right after you had your hair bleached, I would have to say yes, it is from the hair bleach. If you look close and notice that the hair is actually breaking as you comb, instead of coming from the root, yes, the hair has been over processed.
The stylist should have noticed this right away. I would go back into the salon and ask for your money back. If the stylist new what she was doing she would have been checking the hair and would have pulled the bleach off prior to this state.
What you can do at this point is first and foremost do not over comb the hair. Comb it gently and be done. Get a very moisturizing conditioner.
Also invest in deep conditioning packets. Use the deep conditioning packets twice a week. Leave on for atleast 10 minutes and then rinse.
You can get these at {{Sally Beauty Supply. Avoid anything else that will damage the hair. Do not use a flat iron, a curling iron and let the hair air dry rather than using a blow dryer if possible.
Stay away from any other chemically processing.
Copyright © 2008 - Chi Hair Stylist. All rights reserved.
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