How can I help two adult cats that don't like each other to get along?

I have a female tabby cat, and later acquired a male manx cat. Both are indoor/outdoor cats, but the manx prefers to stay outside much more than the tabby. From day one, those two have not liked each other, and hiss or even fight sometimes when in close proximity.

Is there any way to get them to at least tolerate each other, or am I destined to keeping them separate? I have other cats that these two get along with just fine...the problem lies between them only. Asked by Frae 52 months ago Similar questions: help adult cats Pets > Cats.

When I give my cats equal attention, they like each other better. I have cats that tolerate each other.

No one quick fix. This is a complicated problem. Try reading about cat behavior.

Especially helpful is "Cat vs. Cat" -- see below. My 2 combatants benefited from the "Feliway" synthetic pheromones mentioned in the book. The other good idea is the separate play time for each cat, away from the others.

TheOldDrake's Recommendations Cat Vs. Cat: Keeping Peace When You Have More Than One Cat Amazon List Price: $15.00 Used from: $4.65 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 28 reviews) Think Like a Cat: How to Raise a Well-Adjusted Cat--Not a Sour Puss Amazon List Price: $18.00 Used from: $3.91 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 47 reviews) Twisted Whiskers: Solving Your Cat's Behavior Problems Amazon List Price: $12.95 Used from: $5.63 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 12 reviews) .

I have 6 cats All have been rescued in one way or another. One of them is a female age 14, with thyroid condition and anxiety. Shes on PROZAC.

All of a sudden she hates the other cats............and began doing #1 & #2 everywhere, so now shes in a separate room. Then we got WILLOW, shes a 7 year old female who was badly tortured & abused and she frankly hates everybody............. So she share the room with my 14 year old.......yes she hisses and occasinally screams & throws a fit, but shes getting better each day. Shes a hard cat to gage because we have NO idea of what they actually "did" to her except it was bad.So only time will tell.

The other 4 have their own very large room with 13 windows, a cat jungle gym etc..........they were all borught in a different times & had to adapt to eachother. I just think eventually all cats will get just takes time. But because the other 2 are older cats.....having them apart from the other four is better for their stress level.

2 that... that was a joke by the way... but it would probably work :-p .

That... that was a joke by the way... but it would probably work :-p.

If they licensed cats, there would be more money to help animals. " "Cats without a Map" "How do I socialize two adult neutered male cats. (I have tried everything and they want to kill each other.)" "is tuna bad for cats" "For those of you who have both dogs and cats, how do they get along?

" "When cats stare, what are they looking at? " "How many cats is too many cats?" "Help, What do you do when your Cats takes over?

If they licensed cats, there would be more money to help animals.

How do I socialize two adult neutered male cats. (I have tried everything and they want to kill each other. ).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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