Similar questions: people neglect pets spayed neutered ignorance apathy.
Both Ignorance and Apathy The only reasons NOT to spay/neuter your pet is if they are for breeding/showing. That said, some people have misconceptions about how the procedure affects the animal, such as "neutering my dog will make him less playful". Others want their pet to breed because they want their children to "see the miracle of life".
One common reason why men who own male dogs don't neuter is because they don't want to lose the dog's "manliness". They have created "Neuticals", a form of false testicles, so that the pet can still appear "manly". Other pet owners feel spaying/neutering is too expensive, but there are low-cost or free spay/neuter programs, just look for them.
For more on the benefits of spaying/neutering, see: .
I can appreciate both angles I recently had my Weimaraner spayed and it was a very tough decision for me. I kept thinking about her (Timber) and how it was natural for her to be a mom and raise puppies. I loved the thought of having puppies, but I also bought that breed of dog because they are sorta rare in my area.
If she had puppies and I gave them away, the rarity lessens. I would also need to get fencing to keep the neighborhood dogs off of her. I felt so bad for having her spayed, but in the end I think both me and my dog are better off.
Maybe it was selfishness or thoughtfulness...or a combination of the two, but I can definitely appreciate both angles of the arguement. Sources: My own experience .
I find it utterly amazing that anyone in this day and age would not want to have their animal spayed or neutered. There are so many health reasons as well as behavioral reasons for spaying or neutering you dog. It drastically reduces the risk of ovarian and breast cancer in URL1 males the risk of prostate cancer is greatly reduced and testicular cancer cannot take place.
Male dogs in particular have behavioral problems, such as marking their territory whether it be outside or indoors. They are more hyper and hard to manage if they are not neutered. I believe that some men are against neutering, as they can associate with it more than a female can.
However, it is not painful, healing is very fast ( much faster than a female spaying) and the benefits are so tremendous that is is hard to imagine anyone not wanting to do what is best for their dog. A huge reason to do this is to cut down on overpopulation. There are so many homeless dogs that it is heartbreaking.
I guess some of the reason is ignorance or financial reasons in the poorer population. However, there are always places to have the procedure done at a minimal amount, as in trailers that come to many areas for just this reason. I can only hope and pray that people will become more educated and care more about their animals so that this problem will become more minimized.
Why to Spay or Neuter Your Dog . CommentBox { width: 126px; background-color: white;background-image: url(
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Content { border-left: 1px solid #98c76f; border-right: 1px solid #98c76f;} COMMENTS: 5 comments Add your Comment . CommentBox { margin-left: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 30px; } . CommentBox .
Content { font-size: 10px; line-height: 1.1em; padding: 0px 10px; } . CreditBox {margin-left:0px; margin-right:10px} Excerpted form 50 Simple Ways to Pamper Your Dog,by Arden Moore. The birth of a litter of puppies is certainly a miracle to behold.
But it’s time for a reality check: There are simply not enough homes for all. Show true compassion for the dogs of the world by having your dog spayed (for females) or neutered (for males) before 6 months of age. SIMPLE SOLUTION: Be a Pal If you have your veterinarian spay your female dog before her first heat (estrus) cycle, you’re doing her a terrific favor.
Spaying dramatically reduces her risk of developing uterine infections, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer. As for the boys, neutered males have far fewer prostate problems (including cysts, abscesses, and prostate cancer) than do unaltered males, and they can’t develop testicular cancer. They are less likely to roam, fight, demonstrate aggressiveness, or display hyperactive behavior.
Schedule the surgical appointment early in the day so that you can pick your dog up in the early evening (Unless your vet recommends an overnight stay). Also, select a time when you will be home for a couple of days after the surgery—weekends are good—so that you can provide comfort and reassurance to your healing friend. Top 10 Reasons to Spay or Neuter Your Dog Altered dogs, on average, live longer, healthier lives.
Female dogs spayed before their first birthday are 99.9 percent less likely to develop reproductive cancer. Altered dogs behave better and are more focused on training. You’ll stop overpopulation.
One female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 dogs in just six years. You’ll stop homelessness. Only one in four dogs find a permanent, loving home.
You’ll stop the killings. More than eight million surplus dogs and cats are destroyed each year because there are not enough homes for them. Taxpayers pick up the tab to the tune of $300 million.
Eighty percent of dogs struck by vehicles are unaltered males. The majority of dog bites to postal carriers are from unaltered male dogs. Pet licensing fees are lower in cost for altered dogs in many cities and countries.
Thanks to improved surgical and anesthesia equipment and techniques, you can spay a female or neuter a male as early as 8 weeks of age. Don’t hesitate.Div. Bubbles { width: 360px; background-color: white;background-image: url(
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They don't want to spend money I knew people who had a houseful of cats and kittens because they "couldn't afford" getting their original (female) cat fixed. None of the cats had vet care. It was a squalid and filthy situation--the cats were inbred and unhealthy.
Some that didn't get hit by cars got scooped up by animal control but the remaining ones keep breeding until finally all of them got sick and died. If you can't afford the initial outlay of $150 or so for neutering and the same amount yearly for shots and vet care, you shouldn't get a pet. PLUS, many animal shelters offer low cost neutering and even shots a few times year which is even cheaper as the vets donate their time and you only pay for supplies.
Really, there is no excuse.
Vasectomy. I've always had my pets spayed or neutered (dependent on the gender of the animal). But when I've had the males fixed, I always feel bad (not that I don't sympathize with the females).
Being a guy, I can only imagine how it would feel to be...cut off...from that part of my body. Now, set that against the fact that it wasn't your idea. Like I said, I always have it done.
But maybe some people sympathize a little too much.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.