How do I purchase a cell phone without signing up for a new service plan if I already have one?

How do I purchase a cell phone without signing up for a new service plan if I already have one Asked by bjcrem 60 months ago Similar questions: purchase cell phone signing service plan Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.

Similar questions: purchase cell phone signing service plan.

Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.

I'd read this Amazon FAQ on Cell phones, plans and upgrades I assume you want a new phone to use with your existing plan. Upgrading Your Cingular Phone and PlanTo qualify for a phone upgrade and contract extension:1. You must be month-to-month in your existing contract with this carrier, or you must be at least 10 months into your 12-month contract or 22 months into your 24-month contract.2.

Your account must be in good financial standing and without late fees.3. You agree to extend your contract 24 months from the end of your existing contract.4. You are not a former AT&T TDMA subscriber now on Cingular's network.5.

You are not attempting to upgrade an entire, or any portion of a, Cingular FamilyTalk plan. Verizon, Sprint and the rest are similarNow, if you want a new Cell and DO NOT want to extend, then buy an Unlocked PhoneAmazon has a ton of themThe BasicsIt's important to understand that only some kinds of phones can be unlocked, namely phones that are compatible with the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) network. GSM phones contain a small, removable card, known as a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module), that is programmed with your subscription information and phonebook.

A SIM card can be removed and placed in other GSM phones, allowing you to quickly and easily change handsets while retaining your contacts and carrier service. Today, T-Mobile and Cingular are the only two GSM-based carriers in the U.S., while Verizon, Sprint, and Nextel operate on the CDMA and iDEN networks. CDMA- and iDEN-based phones do not use SIM cards, and phones for these networks are only available from the carriers.

Top Sellers in Unlocked Phones 1. Motorola RAZR V3 Black Phone (Unlocked)Our Price: $169.88 2. Motorola SLVR L7 Phone (Unlocked)Our Price: $174.99 3.

Motorola RAZR V3 Cosmic Blue Phone (Unlocked)Our Price: $185.99 4. Motorola KRZR K1 Cosmic Blue Phone (Unlocked)Our Price: $324.99 5. PalmOne Treo 650 PDA Phone (Unlocked)Our Price: $339.88 Sources: .

Several ways... You can purchase a new phone from your provider. Call or customer service go to their store for options. First check to see if they will upgrade your phone; if you ask, you may find they will either give you one or give you a large discount.(Saying you're thinking of changing providers sometimes prods them into giving you a free phone or a good deal.) You can also buy an "unlocked phone," these are usually full price however.

(Some deals to be found on eBay. ) You can check with your provider to see if the phone you have in mind is compatible, usually it's just a matter of switching your SIM card into the new one..

You have few good options and it depends who your providor is the thing is, the public at large doen't realize just how expensive it is to make a cell phone (for reference a decent walkie talkie set which is far infirier to a cell phone, as it can only "talk" to select few and w/in a smallish area, starts at over $100) of course providers do complicate their own problem by offering crazy deals and free phones to new customers, but the reason they are able to do that is because the phones are attached to a contract, which means in the end they will make up for the price of the phone, (I live with someone who works for a cell company and I cannot tell you how often they get people complaining about how often people gripe and moan about how they are loyal and cant get the deal of a new guy, I mean honestly how do you expect a company to make a profit if they just gave away multi hundrerd dollar equiptment whenever anyone wants it) ok so much for my soap box heres the best I can do. . .1.

Ebay/creagslist for used phones, or bearly used phones, but you need to be careful because people can sell broken or stolen phones and give you phony info till you get the phone, so only buy from someone with a high ratining 2. At least verizon, I know, has a prepay service, and if you buy a prepay phone, you can activate it on a normal line, but, it does cost more than a contract discounted phone and there is a $20 fee to put it on your number 3. You could just pay msrp but that's crazy .

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Where can I buy a cell phone without purchchasing a plan.

I'm trying to get a new cell phone plan. Any recommendations on phones and carriers.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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