How do you answer 'What are your career goals' in a job interview?

It is one important question that often baffles one and also determines whether you'd continue as a job seeker or get the job. What are your goals? This is something you must answer for yourself before you go for a job interview.

The main purpose of asking this question is "what do you think regarding this job? And how much success you are planning to achieve with that job." Be honest Honesty is yet the best policy.

What every organization searches is 'integrity' and that should mean what you say it. So if you have a goal tell about it confidently and clearly, and if you do not have say clearly that you do not have yet. Your goal is likely to differ with the job profile you have applied for.

Analyze your career scopes and role within the organization and answer accordingly. If you reply something that has no connection with the current position the interviewer might think that you are not honestly interested in it. Think more broadly Introspection is essential when looking for a job.

You need to think carefully about yourself and your life. What do you really want? How are you going to achieve it?

Decide what is most important to you. Family? Wealth?

The satisfaction that comes from contributing to your society or from work well done? Write this out. This will enable you to keep your thoughts straight and remember them.

Once you've worked this out to your satisfaction, then think about how you will answer it in an interview. You should answer an interviewer honestly but a little "spin" is OK. What do you want to accomplish Think in terms of short term goals and long term goals.

What do you want to accomplish in the short term of 3 to 5 years? What do you want to achieve in that short time span? Same information applies for your long term career goals.

Why did you chose the profession you chose - interest, pay, benefits -- what do you see yourself doing in the long term goal of 10 to 20 years. Brainstorm your ideas and write them down. Set realistic goals and not far-fetched.

Not everyone can be a president or CEO of a company. Set high enough standards you think you can achieve. Any goal worth achieving is the sacrifice you made to get there.

Don't restrict yourself Don't try to restrict yourself to career goals. You need goals, first of all. Make a list.

That's a good place to start. Start small. You don't need to plan to change the world but maybe you want to have a family or return to school.

Describe the things according to your profession only. Go for morally and explain the idea of your life, like you want to be a business man, remember you are going to apply there. Or, say what you want to change in the company and tell about what you think would make the company better.

Career goals I have some short term and long term career goals in my life. In short term goals, I want to get a challenging and inovative job in the international market according to my idea and my skills, which helps me to learn and to grow professionally. In long term goals, I want to improve my knwoledge and professional skills in the upcoming technologies and to achieve such a position which worth according to my experience and knowledge My long-term goals are towards making a positive impact in the company though my expertise and ethics.

I also look forward to develop myself in leadership areas through experience and training offered by the company.

I have come across some Millennial newcomers to the workplace who have expressed their desire to be in a company only for a couple of years – at the maximum! Their current intention is to use the company’s reputation as a trophy on their resume – a springboard to jump to another more reputed one sooner or later. So how conducive can be your long-term goal plans for the company in such a situation?

And more so, are you prepared to answer this question – with a diplomatic honesty (!)? In other circumstances as well, this question does crop up during an interview session – the main aim is to know how your career goals fit our company culture and/or how we perceive your role in our organization. Even if you are tempted so say so, but it is best not to blurt out, “I do not plan that far along, my goals are short-term only” or “I don’t have any“.

What is the expectation? Recruiters or managers look for your ability to manage your own goals and also want to gain some insight on your short-term / long-term goals. When answering this question keep in mind that the long-term goals you talk about are not the personal goals but those career goals which relates to or somewhat identifying closely to the offered position / division’s objectives / or perhaps the overall vision of the company.

While answering this question also keep in mind that you would/could be asked for the short term projections as well. Your short-term and long-term goals must be on similar lines and not totally divergent else cross-grilling and consecutively dishonest statements could result from your side. Long-term goals usually refer to looking ahead 5 years from now.

A similar question that is asked during interviews is: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Short-term goals are your existing current goals, usually in the time frame of six months to one year. Spend a few hours writing honestly how you see your career going – what are your goals?

Writing these bring more meaning and clarity. It now becomes easy to plan your answer. Some thoughtful and intelligent answer will exhibit your diligence toward your career, displays your focus and positive approach toward personal career development.

All of these are highly regarded attributes which can take you further in your career. Think about it! “My long-term goals are toward making a positive impact in the company though my expertise and ethics.

I also look forward to develop myself in leadership areas through experience and training offered by the company.” “I see myself in a management role, leading my team to new innovations and growth. Such an answer depicts your larger vision if you see yourself being the head of the division or even the CEO one day. The management would be more than glad to know that you have long-term plans to be with the company and a leader in the team is always welcome!

“I see myself developing my skills through your training and development programs. I hope the company policies support internal training and reimbursement of work related courses offered by university extensions etc. Can you please tell me something about how employees in this division are progressing towards more learning and promotions? By turning the answer around to a question to the interviewer you have taken control of the situation and are now proceeding towards the second stage of the interview process.

Ensure that whatever you prepare to say relates to where you want to see yourself as a successful individual in the future. An honest reply may bring success and accolades than a fabricated one on which you have some chances of tripping over when you counter yourself with other inconsistent answers. Try your best to tie in the answers to the company’s interest and objectives.

The people on the other side of the table want to find the best fit for this job – research and prepare well for each interview answer to get what you want. Does your answer convince you enough to hire you? If not, then think again and present a stronger answer.

Question: What have you found most daunting when preparing for this question?

Be truthful but positive, if your goal is to keep the job and be stable say: To be a good employee with a stable long term employment. If you wish to be promoted: To excel and gain promotion through hard work. Change and paraphrase to suit your situation.

A long term goal in one's career would be, getting a raise, retirement, vacation. Short term goals could be, getting one's pay check or a date with some one else in the work area.

You must answer job interview questions with your own experiences - you cannot copy what someone else says on a website! What are your own goals? That is what the interviewers want to know.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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