How do you answer 'What are your short-term and long-term career goals' in a job interview?

Be truthful but positive, if your goal is to keep the job and be stable say: To be a good employee with a stable long term employment. If you wish to be promoted: To excel and gain promotion through hard work. Change and paraphrase to suit your situation.

A long term goal in one's career would be, getting a raise, retirement, vacation. Short term goals could be, getting one's pay check or a date with some one else in the work area.

You must answer job interview questions with your own experiences - you cannot copy what someone else says on a website! What are your own goals? That is what the interviewers want to know.

It is one important question that often baffles one and also determines whether you'd continue as a job seeker or get the job. What are your goals? This is something you must answer for yourself before you go for a job interview.

The main purpose of asking this question is "what do you think regarding this job? And how much success you are planning to achieve with that job." Be honest Honesty is yet the best policy.

What every organization searches is 'integrity' and that should mean what you say it. So if you have a goal tell about it confidently and clearly, and if you do not have say clearly that you do not have yet. Your goal is likely to differ with the job profile you have applied for.

Analyze your career scopes and role within the organization and answer accordingly. If you reply something that has no connection with the current position the interviewer might think that you are not honestly interested in it. Think more broadly Introspection is essential when looking for a job.

You need to think carefully about yourself and your life. What do you really want? How are you going to achieve it?

Decide what is most important to you. Family? Wealth?

The satisfaction that comes from contributing to your society or from work well done? Write this out. This will enable you to keep your thoughts straight and remember them.

Once you've worked this out to your satisfaction, then think about how you will answer it in an interview. You should answer an interviewer honestly but a little "spin" is OK. What do you want to accomplish Think in terms of short term goals and long term goals.

What do you want to accomplish in the short term of 3 to 5 years? What do you want to achieve in that short time span? Same information applies for your long term career goals.

Why did you chose the profession you chose - interest, pay, benefits -- what do you see yourself doing in the long term goal of 10 to 20 years. Brainstorm your ideas and write them down. Set realistic goals and not far-fetched.

Not everyone can be a president or CEO of a company. Set high enough standards you think you can achieve. Any goal worth achieving is the sacrifice you made to get there.

Don't restrict yourself Don't try to restrict yourself to career goals. You need goals, first of all. Make a list.

That's a good place to start. Start small. You don't need to plan to change the world but maybe you want to have a family or return to school.

Describe the things according to your profession only. Go for morally and explain the idea of your life, like you want to be a business man, remember you are going to apply there. Or, say what you want to change in the company and tell about what you think would make the company better.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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