Sometimes quantities expressed as fractions can be better understood as percents since percents are used more often in business and finance. Here is a step by step guide to help you convert fractions into percents. Let's use the fraction 17/33 as an example.
There are three ways we can convert this into a percent. The first way is to divide 17 by 33. If you do it by hand, you will need to add extra 0's at the end of 17.
If you do it by calculator, you get .5151. Take the decimal you got in step 1 and move the decimal point two places to the right. 51.51% is the percent equivalent of 17/33.
You can also convert to percents by estimating. In this example, 17 is very nearly half of 33 (17 is half of 34) so you can use the simpler fraction 1/2. Since 1/2 = 50%, you can estimate that 17/33 is about 50%.
You can also try to estimate by turning 17/33 into a fraction over 100 or a number very close to 100. If you multiply both 17 and 33 by 3, you get the equivalent fraction 57/338. This is ... more.
Percentages often represent parts of a whole, with 100 percent representing a whole and 0 percent representing nothing. Percents can be expressed as decimals or fractions with a denominator of 100. For example, 63 percent can be expressed as .63 or 63/100.
There are several ways to convert fractions into percents and vice versa. Take an example. Convert 32 percent into a fraction.
One way is to place the percent over the denominator 100. 32 percent = 32/100. Reduce to lowest terms if necessary.
32 divided by 4 is 8. 100 divided by 4 is 25. So 32 percent is 8/25.
Another way to convert 32% into a fraction is to change the percent into a decimal. 32 percent is .32. Change the decimal into a fraction: 32/100.
Reduce to lowest terms: 32 divided by 4 is 8. 100 divided by 4 is 25. 32/100 is 8/25.
There are several ways to convert fractions into percents. Take an example problem. Convert 8/25 into a percent.
Multiply by 100 percent. (8/25) x (100 percent/1). Simplify.
(8/25) x (100 percent/ ... more.
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