How do you get an old bankruptcy removed from your credit report?

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act negative information can be included in your credit reports for seven years However, there are exceptions to this rule. Bankruptcy is one of those exceptions. Bankruptcy information may be reported for 10 years.

Sorry Once the ten years are up, there's nothing you should need to do. If for some reason a credit reporting agency keeps reporting the outdated information, click here for more information about fixing errors in your credit report Answer Actually there is a legal way to get it removed aproximately two years after filing! I did this and it works and I will be willing to prove it to any doubters!.

All you have to do is file a dispute with the credit bureaus. In my case I simply said it should have been listed as Chap 13 and not Chap 7. This is the trick though, so please read on carefully.

YOU MUST WAIT A MINIMUM OF TWO YEARS AND A FEW EXTRA MONTHS BEFORE DISPUTING WITH THE CREDIT BUREAUS. Why is this you ask, well the answer lies withing the bankruptcy courts. All cases are active for two years after which time they go onto microfiche.

When they get a dispute letter from the credit bureaus and the case is on microfiche then they don't bother to respond. The credit bureaus then must legally delete the info from your reports. The trick is to follow up with the bureaus also and make sure they delete it Hoep this helps Answer If you filed Chapter 13, it should have fallen off already since those come off your report in 7 years.

Many people in that situation have the credit reporting agencies do an "investigation" of their report to remove it If you filed Chapter 7, then you have two years to wait since those come off your report in 10 years (see Section 605(1) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act) Please note that nothing in this posting or in any other posting constitutes legal advice; this is simply my understanding of the facts, which I do not warrant, and I am not suggesting any course of action or inaction to any person. Visit RossLawOffice. Com for more information about bankruptcy who started this topic I want to speak with the person who started this topic you have really good advice and so far your information has worked for me.

Many people who have filed bankruptcy know little about the process. How do you get an old bankruptcy removed from your credit report? Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act negative information can be included in your credit reports for seven years.

When in bankruptcy is it hard to rent an apartment or house due to the bad credit rating? It can be but I have found that if you have good rental history you should be able to rent. Should you declare bankruptcy?

How long after you file bankruptcy can you get a checking account? Will bankruptcy hurt your spouse's credit rating? If a chapter 13 bankruptcy was voluntarily dismissed not discharged can it be removed from your credit file?

You can't get it removed. It is a public record. Can you refinance after Chapter 13 discharge?

Especially in todays and the forseeable future credit environment, probably not. Can bankruptcy hurt your chances of finding another professional job? Can you get credit cards after filing Chapter 13?

How will your ex-spouse's bankruptcy affect you if you had a joint mortgage which you are still responsible for? Can you refinance after a dismissed Chapter 13 bankruptcy? FHA will not penalize you.

When did the chapter 7 bankruptcy laws change from 7 years to 10 years? AnswerActually, It never was 7 years. Chapter 13 is 7 years, and Chapter 7 is 10 years (sometimes longer).

What happens when someone you co-signed for has filed for bankruptcy? About 6 months ago I had to deal with the same thing. Should you file bankruptcy if most of your debt has been charged off?

After being dismissed from bankruptcy can you refile for it immediately after? You can refile after your bankruptcy case has been discharged by the court. Can a foreclosure be removed from your credit report after the property has been taken back?

No, the forclosure will stay on your credit report for 7 years. What effect will a five year old bankruptcy have on getting a job that requires a background check? Federal Law prohibits employers discriminating against job applicants because of their personal financial situation.

What happens to your savings and checking account when filing bankruptcy? You can generally keep both your checking and savings account when you file for bankruptcy. Was bankruptcy always listed for 10 years?

It has always been 10 years. Some CRAs will take it off after 7. Bankruptcy has its basis in the Bible.

Can you buy a car with cash and then declare bankruptcy? Check your local bankruptcy exemptions. Find out what the vehicle exeption is (In Ohio its $1,000).

Will bankruptcy remove your student loans? In some extreme cases, yes. In your cas no.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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