When a bankruptcy is removed from your credit report after 10 years if someone pulls a credit report does it still show bankruptcy on the report?

Answer yes, my bankruptcy was filed in 1991 and I was told if would be off the records in 7-10yrs. It is still showing today! Answer If you read some of the other answers to questions, you will find that, in a round-a-bout way this question has been answered.

You need to contact the three credit agencies Equifax, Trans Union, and Experion and request for it to be removed. One lady answered that "they will not just go away by themselves. " Try contacting them and seeing what can be done.

The lady before also said you may have to repeat as necessary. Hope this helps! Ans Yes this question has been asked and answered thousands of times here First, it makes no difference which State your in...credit reporting is universal Credit reports are a private service...they simply report historical actions.

If you were late on a payment, and it was reported, the fact that you paid it later, or had reason, whatever, makes no difference...they report history of what happened. They do not determine your credit ability, that is determined by the lender using (hopefullY accurate information Credit reports are purchased by someone/thing for a fee and the request is made for certain standard formats...for certain things for certan periods. Standard reports cost less than custom ones..but custom ones are also available if the lender/reviewer wants to see them.(They can include things like criminal records, if wanted...it is just whatever research and information you want to pa for getting) Standarly, a credit report will include Bankrutpcy filings for the last 1o years (from discharge date).

If a lender only cares about 5 years history, which costs less, then that is all they would order and all it would show Bankrutocy, as a matter of a Federal Court process is a matter of public record, and available to anyone or service that cares to look for much longer than the 10 year standard.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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