How do you make a Starbucks mocha frappuccino?

While a Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino is delicious and refreshing, it is also very expensive. Now you can save yourself the trouble of going to Starbucks and paying $3, and make replica of it at home with these simple ingredients! It won't be exactly the same, but it will sure cost less.

€¢ Brew dark roast coffee and then pour half of it into ice cube trays and freeze. €¢ Combine the other half of the coffee in a bowl with cocoa powder and milk. Stir to dissolve the cocoa.

Cover and chill. €¢ Wait till the ice cubes freeze, then put them in a blender and grind them but not too much. You can also crush the ice cubes with a hammer or mallet.

Fill 4 glasses with the crushed ice and divide the coffee-cocoa mixture evenly among them. Dust the top with cocoa powder, put a straw in them and serve. More.

The Starbucks frappuccino mocha is refreshing iced coffee drink which combines the flavors of espresso and chocolate. The drink will cost you $3 a pop at Starbucks, but you can imitate it at home with an espresso machine, a blender and a few simple ingredients. Step 1 Brew espresso in espresso machine.

To best imitate a Starbucks mocha frappuccino, use two shots of espresso per serving. Use one shot for a mildly flavored espresso drink or 3 shots for a strong drink. Step 2 Pour espresso into the blender.

Also pour in 1 tbsp. Chocolate syrup per serving. Add more chocolate for a richer frappuccino.

Step 3 Add ice cubes to the mixture in the blender. You'll need to add about 20 ice cubes per serving to achieve the right volume of beverage for a serving. Step 4 Flavor the frappuccino with your favorite Italian syrup flavors.

Vanilla, mint and raspberry combine well with chocolate. Use 1 tsp. Of syrup per serving.

Step 5 Blend until ice is liquefied. The frappuccino should be thick and ... more.

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