Traditional Boston Baked Bean Recipe --------------------------------------------------------
One with a tight-fitting lid is very important. 2. Add the water, bay leaf, and a 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and bring to a boil over high heat.3.
Turn down the heat to low, and simmer partly covered (meaning leave the lid offset by about an inch) for 1 hour and 15 minutes. The beans will still be firm, but starting to get tender.4. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.5.
Remove from the heat, and discard the bay leaf, but do not drain the cooking liquid. 6. Stir in the mustard, brown sugar, molasses, onions, bacon, and remaining salt.7.
Cover and bake for about 3 1/2 hours, until the beans are tender, and the cooking liquid thickens, becoming sticky and syrupy. 8. Be sure to check the beans several times during the baking time in case you need to add a bit of water.It's important not to let the beans dry out.
On the other hand, if it seems too watery, you can remove the lid until it thickens a bit.9. Remove the lid, give the mixture a stir, and cook for another 20 minutes to give the top a nice crust.
I never measure, but I'd say to each can baked beans, add: 1/4 c ketchup 1/8 c brown sugar It's optional, but you can also add a bit of dry mustard perhaps 1/8 tsp or so- it intensifies all the flavors. You might want to tweak with either more ketchup or brown sugar (or less). You can bake this (taste beforehand to make sure it's got the right blend) at 350 for about 1 hour.It can also be done on the stovetop for a quicker dish--just make sure to drain at least half or more of the liquid from the beans before adding the other ingredients, as it would take a long time to cook out the added liquid if you don't.
Some other options with a BBQ are pasta, macaroni, or potato salad, grilled chicken, burgers, or ribs, vegetable tray with dip. Cookies, brownies, or cupcakes are easy desserts.
I think this is the best beans to go with BBQ. This is made on stove top. Enjoy.
Bootlegger Beans 3 slices of bacon, 1 can of pork and beans, 1 Tablespoon of brown sugar, 2 Tablespoons vinegar, 2 Tablespoons catsup and 1 small onion. Chop the bacon and onion and fry together until onion is tender and bacon crisp. Drain grease and add pork and beans, born sugar, vinegar and catsup.
Stir well, cover and simmer 30 minutes.
Well I like my own version here. I make them when I go camping, and its always a huge pan. Cheese, onions, chopped peppers, sausage and of course the beans all cook together to create something awesome.
I camp with extended family so we need a lot, and it is great with bil-Willie's brisket or my brother's b-b-que chicken.
I like to put honey and brown sugar into a can of Poor and beans and top with cooked bacon then cook at 350 for about 30-45 minutes.
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