How do you use the front-facing camera on the iPhone 4?

Right now there are not a lot of options to use the front facing camera. You can take a picture using a front facing camera. All you have to do is hit the camera icon and when the camera app opens in the top right hand corner after you open the camera app.

You can also use it for Face Time to chat with other iphone 4 users. Right now you can only do this over WIFI. But you can also use an app called Fring.

They just released a new version of their app where you can do video chat, just like Face Time over WIFI and 3G. The advantage of this is that now you are not just limited to using video chat over WIFI, you can use it over 3G as well. At this time Skype us not supported in the video chatting, but I am sure at some point they will implement this technology.

I hope this helps, let me know if you need anything else.

Check out Bas Rutten's Liver Shot on MMA Surge: teaches you about some of the new features of the iPhone 4 and OS4. Would you like to learn how to use the front-facing camera on the iPhone 4? This page will walk you through the procedure.

One of the best features of the iPhone 4 is what truly makes it a smartphone, its "face to face" video calling capability called Facetime. What good is a video phone if you can only see what the other person on the line sees? A real video phone or smartphone for that matter is a phone that enables people to talk to each other, face to face, and this page will show you the basics of using iPhone 4's front-facing camera.

There is another how-to page dedicated to using Facetime, and there is a link to it on the sidebar of this page. The iPhone 4 is the fourth generation Internet and multimedia-enabled smartphone from Apple. Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone 4 during the the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference Keynote Address 2010.

The new smart phone will be available in black or white and in two models. The 16GB model will sell for $199 and the 32GB model will sell for $299 with the usual two year AT&T contract in the US. The iPhone 3GS will continue to be sold with iOS 4 but only 8GBytes for $99 via AT&T - not quite a free cell phone.

Many still refer to the iPhone 4 as the iPhone 4G. Full details and specifications are available below via the infographic or more detailed iPhone 4 Features section. Seveal videos are found below showcasing the new iPhone 4 features.

There is also a comparison of the iPhone 4 and Android smartphones. Check out these related Mahalo pages:How to use multitasking on the iPhone 4: to use folders on the iPhone 4: to create playlists on the iPhone 4: to change the wallpaper on the iPhone 4: to use FaceTime video chat on iPhone 4: to set up email accounts on iPhone 4: to use the front-facing camera on iPhone 4: to send an application as a gift using the App Store on iPhone 4: to use iBooks using iPhone 4: to Record and Share Voice Memos on iPhone 4 : to Adjust Notifications on iPhone 4: to Adjust Spotlight Search on iPhone 4: to Change Default Search Engine on iPhone 4: to Take Pictures With Front Facing Camera on iPhone 4: to Delete an App on iPhone 4: to Add Picture to Contact on iPhone 4: to Erase Your iPhone 4: to Reboot The iPhone 4: to Take a Screenshot With iPhone 4: out these Mahalo How-To Playlists:How to Use the Droid Phone: to Play Farmville: to Get in Shape: to Apply Makeup: to Use Facebook: to Become a Pharmacist: to Start a Blog: to Practice Yoga: to Play Guitar for Newbies: to Play Bass Guitar:

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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