I don't have any views of them aside from viewing them as human beings. Although, I do believe that a lot of people in society live in their bubble and poke fun at people who are outside of that bubble.
They are not only misunderstood by others; I'll wager that they are misunderstood by themselves.
First, I'd like to say that, based on the comments listed here, some folks don't appear to have a clue about the reality of transgender experience. As a transgender person, I think it's safe to say that transpeople are definitely misunderstood by most. Why?
Because most people don't deal with gender identity issues, and therefore find it difficult to relate to the entire concept in any sort of realistic way. Also, and just to further muddy the waters, the word "transgender-ed" is inappropriate. Adding the "ed" suffix implies that something has been done to gender variant individuals.It also implies a status that is somehow "lesser than.
" We don't say that someone has been "gayed" or "lesbianed", do we? So, are transpeople misunderstood by most? Of course.
It's hard for most to relate to the transgender experience. There are so many misconceptions about transgender people that it would take a book or two to dispel them.
Transgendered people are very much misunderstood by most and even feared for whatever reason when sympathy should be shown instead. Transgendered people deal with so much pain.
Me personally I find it odd. But.. when I was bartending. I had three that would come into my bar.
One of them I had to be told was a guy LOL.
After awhile I got into conversations with them, and I won't say I understand it. But I do understand its a need they have. And I can respect it.
I respected it enough I threw out and banned a few other customers who gave them grief.
People should be allowed to be themselves as long as it doesn't harm others.
Storically there were many cultures who thought transgender folks.. were sacred.
To be torn between the sexes is to have a very confused mind and spirit. Yes, they are human beings. But there is something inside a transgendered person that is crying out for help.It is possible that a transgendered person is born this way such as a hermaphrodite.
But this is rare.
As humans, we like to have things in order with nice definitions. This is how we evolved, we like routine and processes.
Unfortunately, nature doesn't follow all of the terms and rules humans have built up in order to survive in large groups. Sexuality and a person's "gender" identity are not clearly defined in nature.
It is not just staight, bi or gay. Nor is it just transgender, transexual or "normal". It is a spectrum, people land all over the place and our insistence on finding a definition to apply to everyone may help us make sense of our world, but it doesn't help us understand each other.
Misunderstood - yes. Definitely. I am very tolerate of things like this and nevertheless I don't understand them.
This OF COURSE doesn't mean I am against them. Let people do what they want to do. It's not like I am going to treat the person differently for that.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.