How does the president elect travel (air)?

The president flies on Air Force One. I assume the president elect doesn't fly commercial airlines so how does he travel? Asked by Arise 38 months ago Similar questions: president elect travel air Transportation > Aviation.

Similar questions: president elect travel air.

Private/Chartered flights. Until the turn over he may use private/chartered aircraft supported by the govrnment or his own private aircraft. But if he is good in community relation he may opt to fly commercial..

President-elect Obama was using a leased jet for the campaign. He absolutely won't be flying commercial, nor will his family. I am not certain of this, but since he has not yet started his new job, despite all the work he will be doing between now and his inauguration, I don't think that he will be afforded an airplane from the government.

I could be wrong, though, because I am trying to apply logic, and we all know that the government is not know for its' logic! :) Hopefully, someone who knows for sure will post the answer for you...Katherine.

The campaign organization charters the planes and pays for them with campaign funds. They recoup part of that by billing the journalists on the flights who would otherwise have to fly commercial to keep up.

JBENZ, so that does continue after the election as well?Kat.

Sure. Right up to the point where he qualifies for a government plane. The transitional phase is still part of the campaign.

And he's a candidate until he's sworn in. BTW...he's not the president-elect...the Electoral College hasn't voted yet and that's who actually elects the president. Using the title now is just a courtesy.

" "Why did Americans re-elect president Bush?" "Who would be president if the President and Vice President elect dies before taking the oath of office. " "Is the United States ready to elect a military leader as President? DDE is the last General we have had as president." "Is the U.S. ready for a sane President, or will they rush like lemmings to a cliff and elect McCain, another nut job," "Now that we have a President-Elect, what will be the most important post he must fill?

" "Congratulations, President Elect Barack, can we all go back to having fun?

Who would be president if the President and Vice President elect dies before taking the oath of office.

DDE is the last General we have had as president.

Is the U.S. ready for a sane President, or will they rush like lemmings to a cliff and elect McCain, another nut job.

The president flies on Air Force One. I assume the president elect doesn't fly commercial airlines so how does he travel? Asked by Arise 41 months ago Similar Questions: president elect travel air Recent Questions About: president elect travel air Transportation > Aviation.

Similar Questions: president elect travel air Recent Questions About: president elect travel air.

Private/Chartered flights. Until the turn over he may use private/chartered aircraft supported by the govrnment or his own private aircraft. But if he is good in community relation he may opt to fly commercial.

2 President-elect Obama was using a leased jet for the campaign. He absolutely won't be flying commercial, nor will his family. I am not certain of this, but since he has not yet started his new job, despite all the work he will be doing between now and his inauguration, I don't think that he will be afforded an airplane from the government.

I could be wrong, though, because I am trying to apply logic, and we all know that the government is not know for its' logic! :) Hopefully, someone who knows for sure will post the answer for you...Katherine .

3 The campaign organization charters the planes and pays for them with campaign funds. They recoup part of that by billing the journalists on the flights who would otherwise have to fly commercial to keep up.

5 Sure. Right up to the point where he qualifies for a government plane. The transitional phase is still part of the campaign.

And he's a candidate until he's sworn in. BTW...he's not the president-elect...the Electoral College hasn't voted yet and that's who actually elects the president. Using the title now is just a courtesy.

I am pleased at the accomplishments of the President elect, I too,am bi-racial, grew up in harlem, I too want to give. " "Why did Americans re-elect president Bush? " "Now that we have a President-Elect, what will be the most important post he must fill?

" "If you could give President Elect Obama a Christmas gift, what would it be? " "Will the American people elect a woman or an African-American President first? " "While we are all watching President Elect Obama..." "Congratulations, President Elect Barack, can we all go back to having fun?

" "Will the united states finally elect a non traditional president (african american or female)? " "Whom do you think President-Elect Obama will choose as Secretary of the Treasury? Who would be your choice?

" "If the president elect were to die prior to being elected, who would fill the presidents spot in January?

I am pleased at the accomplishments of the President elect, I too,am bi-racial, grew up in harlem, I too want to give.

While we are all watching President Elect Obama...

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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