How many baseballs are used in an average Major League Baseball game?

Apparently they start off with about 6 dozen balls before starting the game. Each ball lasts an average of about 6 pitches, and there are 250-300 pitches each game, meaning 40-50 balls each game are used up.

So about 30 per game! Answer According to this web site: URL1 Major League Baseball uses about 160,000 baseballs in a season. Answer the lifespan of 1 is 7 pitches.

Answer the average baseball lasts 9 pitches. That's as close as I can come. ----- OK.

Let's say the average baseball lasts 9 pitches. Let's also say the average inning lasts 30 pitches (15 per half inning). We'll approximate the total number of pitches per game at 270.

That would make 30 baseballs used per game (270 / 9). If all 30 teams played the entire 162 scheduled games in a season, that would be 2,430 games played. So for this example, that would make 72,900 baseballs used in one season.

Number of Balls Used in a Game Using an average life span of a baseball in a typical game as 6 pitches and the average number of pitches being 275 per game. The number of balls used is 46. Factoring this number out to each team in the league playing 165 games and dividing by 2 since two teams play each other each game, the number of baseballs used during a typical MLB season would about 113,850 balls per year.

According to MLB, between five and six dozen are used per game (60-70 balls). Have to have 90 on hand The home team has to have 90 new baseballs on hand for each game. That doesn't mean they'll use them all, but they must have them, just in case.

Average life of ball is 6 pitches This is an interesting question. I am not sure if a true average can be reached due to climate and other issues and yet here is what I found on the web through yahoo. "According to Ensley, every major league game begins with six dozen balls.

He goes on to explain that the average life of a ball is six pitches. Since most major league games average between 250 and 300 pitches, that would put the ball count at about 40 or 50 balls used per game".

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Average of 46 balls. Number of Balls Used in a Game Using an average life span of a baseball in a typical game as 6 pitches and the average number of pitches being 275 per game. The number of balls used is 46.

Factoring this number out to each team in the league playing 165 games and dividing by 2 since two teams play each other each game, the number of baseballs used during a typical MLB season would about 113,850 balls per year. According to MLB, between five and six dozen are used per game (60-70 balls). Sources: Google Search dglenniu03's Recommendations Baseball Amazon List Price: $5.87 Used from: $2.99 .

On average 46 balls per game. The home team must have 90 balls on hand for each game. MLB’s official game-ball preparation calls for umpires to rub the balls with Lena Blackburne’s Rubbing Mud.

The composition of the mud is a closely held secret, but the base ingredient is known to be mud from a specific site in a tributary of the Delaware River. This is done to take the slickness off of new baseballs. The average lifetime of MLB ball is 6 pitches.

Figure about 280 pitches in an average MLB baseball game and you are looking at around 46 balls per game. ------- Some more facts about MLB baseballs: MLB leaves no room for creativity in the manufacture of the balls it uses. Its official rules state: "The ball should be a sphere formed by yarn wound around a small sphere of cork, or rubber, or similar material covered with two stripes of white horsehide or cowhide, tightly stitched together.It shall weigh not less than 5 nor more than 51/4 oz avoirdupois and measure no less than 9 nor more than 91/4 inches in circumference.

" The game of baseball, however, was not always such a bastion of uniformity. Early baseballs were made from the materials at hand and varied widely.As you can imagine, wrapping a walnut with string resulted in a ball very different in size and weight than one made by wrapping a stone with cloth, or even socks. Today, instructions to the manufacturer call for the cork nucleus of prescribed weight (0.5 oz) and diameter (2.86 to 2.94 inches) to be encased in two thin rubber layers--one black, one red--weighing a total of 7/8 oz.

The "pill," as it’s called, is machine-wound under high, consistent tension with 121 yards of four-ply blue-gray wool yarn, 45 yards of three-ply white wool yarn, 53 more yards of three-ply wool yarn--this time blue-gray in color to denote the stage of manufacture, according to Rawlings--and 150 yards of fine white polyester-cotton blend yarn. This "center" is coated with rubber cement before the cover is put on. The cover--two pieces of elongated figure-eight-shaped white cowhide--is dampened to permit stretching and hand-stitched together with exactly 216 raised stitches, using 88 inches of red cotton thread.

The last step in the process is rolling the balls for 15 seconds while still slightly damp so the seams are even and reasonably flat. But these balls aren’t ready for the big leagues yet--they have to pass muster before they can take the field. The balls must meet the obvious physical standards--size, shape, and weight--as well as cosmetic appeal and something called liveliness, which is measured by a coefficient of restitution.

To ensure that balls used by MLB are uniformly lively, balls are selected at random from each shipment to be tested. They are shot from an air cannon at 85 feet per second at a wall made of northern white ash--the wood used to make bats. Each tested ball must bounce back at between 0.514 and 0.578 of its original speed to be suitably lively for MLB.

The tested balls must also prove their mettle in another way. They must retain their shape under pressure--distorting less than 0.08 inch after being subjected to a 6.5-lb force. (copied from below source) Sources: ChicagoTRS's Recommendations 2007 Official Rules of Major League Baseball Amazon List Price: $9.95 Used from: $2.93 Average Customer Rating: 3.0 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) .

60 to 70, so my son tells me. He is a baseball fanatic. But they have 90 on hand in case of foul balls that go into the stands.

I never got one at a game, but I sat near an 82 year old, 65 year season ticket holder for the Red Sox one time and she had quite a collection at home (two she would bring to every game), so she told me. They were playing the Yankees that day and she said that Derek Jeter would come over and give her a ball because he knew her. Of course, these weren’t game balls, but she was still happy.

Sources: my son autumn00™:0)'s Recommendations Boston Red Sox MLB Shatter Ball Window Decal Amazon List Price: $12.00 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) Baseball - Apple iPod nano 1G (1st Generation) 1GB/ 2GB/ 4GB Protector Skin Decals - Faceplate Stickers Grandstand Baseball Display Case by BallQube Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) .

Each season MLB goes through 900,000 in-game baseballs which translates to about 180-190 baseballs per game. When you then determine how many hours are played over the course of 160 games each season… the average MLB baseball ‘lives’ 8 minutes long. These numbers don’t include pre-game batting practice when 14-15 dozen additional balls are in use.

And what happens to the non-homerun balsl that the ump throws to the bat boy? Once taken out of the game, it is relegated to batting practice and will be used once or twice (depending on how beat up it gets). The ball then goes to the indoor batting cages under the ballpark and will be used for 4-5 days, after which it is shipped to that team’s minor league franchise for practice play.

Sources: The web .

1 Facts About The (ROMLB) Rawlings Official Major League BaseballSupplied exclusively by Rawlings® for over a quarter-century, each ball comes carefully crafted, weighed, measured, tested, inspected, and re-inspected. 5 ounces. 108 stitches.

Absolute Perfection. Rawlings - Costa Rica produces 80,000 dozen major league game balls a year, Minor league baseballs are made at the Rawlings plant in China. Six-seven dozen baseballs are used in a typical Major League game.

The average life of a baseball in the Majors is 6 pitches. It takes about 10 minutes for a sewer to sew the 108 stitches on each baseball. The first and last stitches are perfectly hidden.

Facts About The (ROMLB) Rawlings Official Major League BaseballSupplied exclusively by Rawlings® for over a quarter-century, each ball comes carefully crafted, weighed, measured, tested, inspected, and re-inspected. 5 ounces. 108 stitches.

Absolute Perfection. Rawlings - Costa Rica produces 80,000 dozen major league game balls a year, Minor league baseballs are made at the Rawlings plant in China. Six-seven dozen baseballs are used in a typical Major League game.

The average life of a baseball in the Majors is 6 pitches. It takes about 10 minutes for a sewer to sew the 108 stitches on each baseball. The first and last stitches are perfectly hidden.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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