I vote pretty much on a daily basis. I can do it while I'm watching the news (commercials), and it gets me in the right mental framework for answering questions well. I do use "No best answer".
The reasons vary, but most often it's because the answerer went off on some tangent and didn't answer the question. Another reason I sometimes vote "no best" is when someone just posts a link or *shudder* replies that the person can google the answer. My first criteria is "Did the person answer the question?
Did they answer the ENTIRE question? " Sometimes people don't read the explanation or the category of the question, and the answer gets messed up. I've done this myself.
Second is how complete the response is. "Look here:" with a link doesn't impress me much. If that's the only answer, it stands a chance.
But I'm assuming that people ask Mahalo because they don't want to spend a lot of time web surfing, so sending them all over the net with a series of links isn't particularly useful. Third, I like sources. Hopefully, not solely Wikipedia (though I'm fine with that appearing among the sources).
Show me two or three sources, and I'm leaning in the direction of that answer. I give some weight to the first sentence holding a complete answer when it's a question originating from Twitter. I know the asker gets a link to click through after the first 140 characters, but it's pretty cool when the responder gets the complete response in first and then goes on to offer examples, photos, etc.Overall, I prefer responses that demonstrate the thinking of the answerer, show examples, offer links AFTER describing what the person will find on those links, and images.
One good example I saw tonight was at: http://www.mahalo.com/answers/consumer-electronics/need-a-laptop-bag-thats-cute-colorful-and-has-a-good-sturdy-shoulder-strapano-boring-black-leather-please Both answers were great, but the photos actually made me click through to the recommended site myself...and got my vote. (Nice job, nadiraziz!) Finally, I prefer a demonstration of the "extra mile" of human interaction, usually through courtesy or kindness. It's what differentiates Mahalo Answers from a standard search engine.
I vote every 2-4 days. I start by setting it for Oldest First, so that those answerers who have been waiting to find out if theirs was the best answer can finally have resolution. I continue voting until I get down into the 4-5 days old range.
I look for a number of things: Did the answerer answer the question asked, completely, or something else? Sometimes an answerer will not answer it, but add some considerations and answer those as well, which makes it an even more useful answer. Are there sources listed?
No sources or a complete cut/paste will not get my vote. A cut/paste as less than 1/3 of the answer might get my vote. Are the sources good ones--reputable--and do they actually address the subject?
Once in awhile someone will post a link that doesn't have much to do with the subject. Does the person do a pretty good job with writing? I can understand non-English speakers making some mistakes and can tell who those are, vs. people who are using text-messaging spelling or simply not thinking very clearly (and consequently can't write clearly).
Is the answer helpful, in the spirit of the Mahalo Answers community? Is the answerer kind, and the spirit expressed in a friendly manner? If appropriate, is humor used?
Finally, does the answerer go above and beyond in finding illustrations, charts, and/or video to help clarify the answer? These are the things I try to do in my answers, so I tend to vote for others who do the same things.
I probably vote most days, though some days I only vote on a couple of questions, other days I'll vote on dozens. It can be quite fun, as you learn interesting things you never even thought about before. And sometimes you learn things that are useful to know.
Occasionally I'll also sort Oldest First, and vote on some questions that have been sitting around unresolved for a long time. As for how I choose who to vote for, it's much the same way that I choose what to select as Best Answer on my own question. There isn't a simple formula for that, but I'm looking first of all for helpfulness, second for high-quality work.
That entails considering things like: - How well did the answer help the asker with what they wanted to know, or the problem they wanted to solve? For example, did they answer the precise question, or just offer some general info on the subject? - Is the answer valid?
Does it have good sources? Has it correctly understood what the sources are saying? - Is the logic sound?
Does the answer make sense? Sometimes I see an answer and think... "Surely that can't be right? " I check some more, and often times find out that it isn't.
- Does it make life easy for the asker / reader? E.g. Instead of just giving a link to where the answer is, does it give the essentials right there?
Does it include graphs or pictures if that would help? - If there are several equally helpful answers then things like how well-written they are come into it. Sometimes an answer is right, but it's not explained very well, for example.So there are a bunch of factors that come into deciding how to vote.
I do vote No Best Answer quite often if none of the answers really helped the asker, or if it's not clear that any of them are valid. Even if I think the answer might be right, but there's no way to tell for sure because no source or explanation is given. Sometimes I don't have the heart to vote No Best Answer, but I don't rate any of the answers high enough to vote for, so I just leave it, and don't vote.
There, that's probably more than you ever wanted to know about my voting habits! :).
I try to vote on a couple each day, although due to time constraints it doesn't always happen that way. I believe that voting on undecided questions is an important responsibility for all members of the Mahalo Answers community. It helps to make certain that answer quality and integrity remain high and it also helps to encourage members to answer (especially newer members).
There are certain qualities that I look for in deciding on the best answer. First and foremost, did they answer the question or did they just make a quick pass (to gain easy points) or did they use it as an opportunity to stand on the soapbox and express their point of view (which was not requested in the question). It's also important that the answer be based on some fact and include relevant and qualified cites when appropriate.
These two answer qualities alone are important enough to me that I have resorted to voting for no best answer even though there may be two or three to choose from. Writing style is somewhat important. I am less concerned with spelling, punctuation and grammar than I am about the answer simply making sense.
Responses really need to be more than just a few words or one sentence (in most cases). Answerers should make the effort to write in complete sentences and include enough material from the reference cite to make their point. Finally, I believe that including graphics of some sort is extremely valuable.
Photos, graphs and diagrams all go a long way towards explaining the answer.
I have only voted a few times but we should all vote as much as we can. Voting only works to find an average and if two people vote on five answers, the process is inaccurate. The trouble is how much time Mahalo can take up.
I log on to waste a few minutes while I'm waiting for something or taking a break, and next thing I know it's been two hours and I am laughing at bunnyphuphu's latest cute pic of a tiger bunny. Maybe if there were a way to jump to a page rather than next pageing it would help leave more time. It's just too interesting not to go through the list of questions.
I'm sorry I got distracted. I'll go vote now.
I probably vote about once or twice a week. When I remember and when I have some spare time. I look for coherent, well written answers WITH sources.
I also try not to vote on obvious copy and paste answers. If all answers are comparable in quality I go with the first to reward promptness. And I do vote No Best Answer.
I have to say that the longer I've been here the higher my standards have gotten and I'm voting No Best Answer more than I used to. I used to always vote for one answer even if none were good. Question for you, Jeff: Should we vote on poll-type questions?
Besides voting on the one I like best, I guess there's no objective best.
I'm actually new to this site and didn't realize that the undecided tab existed up there. I'd like to thank you for posting this question since it drew my attention to a new aspect of the site and I'd like to thank the others that responded with tips as well.
I try to vote every couple of days. I usually try to sort by the oldest ones there. As for deciding: (1) did the respondent answer the question, (2) if there is more than one answer, which was more thorough, (3) was there a source cited, (4) is it a copy and paste job (I do not like to reward these).
I vote quite often, almost daily, casting some 10 votes per voting session, on average. Usually, I go through Undecided chronologically, starting with first page, but sometimes I begin with the Oldest First. Either way, I go through quite a few pages in search for "suitable" questions - I have to have at least some idea as to what a question is about, I can't vote on something I'm completely unfamiliar with.My vote goes to a most complete answer, with best resources; an extra bit of info, when applicable, is always a plus.
There are situations when all answers given are just as correct, and none stands out - they may all be posted around the same time, as well, i. E none is the oldest, neither.In such case I usually leave it without voting, rather than casting a completely arbitrary vote. I voted No Best Answer only once so far, and that was recently.
I may do it more often in the future, but probably not too often. For one thing, most questions I examined were either satisfactorily answered, or, at least, somebody did a fair effort to provide a good answer, and I don't want to frustrate these efforts by casting a negative vote.
I vote almost every day my limit to vote, except when I have to go out of town. I feel it is important and you also get points when you vote. The way I decide who gets my vote is to see who answer the full question of the person asking.
Sometime it is only partially answered. I try to skip the ones I do not know much about unless they are really old I read them and vote.
I try to vote on at least 5 questions a day. More if I have time. I use 'no best answer'.
I'll vote for a 'best' answer if It's a solid winner and if that winning answer is up to the same standards of the responses being provided by some Mahalo senior belt level members not just the best of that bunch. Of note - I've seen some white and yellow belts with really great responses lately that's great.
Well I was completely caught up until I missed a week when I moved into a new house. As we speak I am on page 21 of undecided's with no end in sight!
I tend to vote a couple times a week. I vote for the answer I think most directly answers the question. For a tie breaker, I go for best sources, and then the first answer posted.
If I read the answers and am disappointed at them (because they demonstrate a lack of thought, or are vague, or incomplete, etc. ), I vote no best answer.
(serious note) I will quote the famous bbrookin! "My first criteria is "Did the person answer the question? Did they answer the ENTIRE question?"
Sometimes people don't read the explanation or the category of the question, and the answer gets messed up. I've done this myself. " (silly note) I too will vote, comment or just giggle at things on Mahalo on a daily basis.It's a part of being a part of a part of the community here.
(I have to sit very very close to the monitor to vote)
I vote from time to time, for the answers that are closest to right. But I must say there isn't a whole lot of motivation to do it.
On and off. I vote for the correct answer, or most correctish if there is a good if complete answer. Sometimes that requires research to figure out if the answer is correct.
I'll vote for no best answer if there is no answer.
Honestly, I don't do it very often. When I first joined, I did it a little bit to try it out, but now I only do it when I am close to a belt advancement or I didn't log on to the site for a couple of days and it no longer lets me pick a best answer to my own questions.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.