I personally suggest washing your hair every other day. For oily hair you do not want to go much longer then that. The longer you wait to wash your hair the oilier it will get.So, really try to stick to every other day.
You can also try Head & Shoulders shampoo. It can help with oily hair tremendously.It can be best to NOT use the same shampoo every time you wash. So, you can use the Head & Shoulders today, then the next time you shampoo, use your favorite shampoo.
Rotate and switch off. If we use the same shampoo and conditioner on our hair every time, our hair actually becomes immune to it. The shampoo will be less effective.
Switch things up and surprise your hair. Hope this helps. You should soon notice that your hair is less oily.
You should see results in a week or so.
I personally suggest washing your hair every other day. For oily hair you do not want to go much longer then that. The longer you wait to wash your hair the oilier it will get.
So, really try to stick to every other day. You can also try Head & Shoulders shampoo. It can help with oily hair tremendously.
It can be best to NOT use the same shampoo every time you wash. So, you can use the Head & Shoulders today, then the next time you shampoo, use your favorite shampoo. Rotate and switch off.
If we use the same shampoo and conditioner on our hair every time, our hair actually becomes immune to it. The shampoo will be less effective. Switch things up and surprise your hair.
Hope this helps. You should soon notice that your hair is less oily. You should see results in a week or so.
So if you have an oily scalp and split ends, a shampoo formulated for oily hair will remove grease, and a repairing conditioner will help protect the ends.
You may be washing your hair more often than you need to. "I hear so many people obsess about shampooing their hair every day," says Nick Arrojo, owner of New York's Arrojo Studio and former stylist on TLC's reality makeover show What Not to Wear. "They get freaked out because they think anything less will result in dirty, smelly hair.
Ultimately, how often you shampoo is a matter of personal preference. "It really depends on the scalp and hair type and what you do to the hair," says Paradi Mirmirani, MD, a Vallejo, Calif. , dermatologist and specialist in hair research.
Chances are you can stand to lather up a little less. Dermatologists and stylists agree that there's little reason to shampoo every day. "Hair is a fiber," Mirmirani says.
"Think of a wool fiber: The more you wash it, the worse it's going to look. The longer, thicker, curlier, and more processed your hair, the longer it can go between washes. "This is because the oils from the scalp do not travel down the hair shaft as quickly, so the hair tends to be dry and requires less frequent shampooing," says Heather Woolery-Lloyd, MD, director of ethnic skin care at the University of Miami.
Even most unprocessed, short, thin, straight hair can skip a day. Daily shampooing is only necessary if oil production on the scalp is high, Zoe Draelos, MD, writes in the International Journal of Trichology. Arrojo says that the only reason to shampoo daily would be for the fragrance.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.