I would suggest washing your hair once every other day. People with dry hair can goo two or three days without washing the hair. Those with oily hair do not want to wait that long in between washings.
The longer you go without washing the hair, the oilier it will get. If your hair is extremely oily you may have to wash it every day. One of my dear friends has a daughter with super oily hair.
They have to wash her hair every day or it gets too oily. I also recommended using the blow dryer after you shampoo, condition and towel dry. The dryer will help dry the access oil out of the hair.
Extra tip: Make sure to buy shampoo that is designed for oily hair. If your hair is not tangly, do not bother with conditioner. Only use conditioner if you really need it for tangles.
If you have oily hair, you need to wash it once a day, possibly needing to shampoo it more than once. Do not use conditioner. Your hair has enough natural oils in it to hold in plenty of moisture for your hair’s needs.
Using conditioner will only make your hair look more oily. When choosing a shampoo, you’ll want to pick one specially formulated for oily hair. Shampoos for normal to dry hair will have moisturizers in them which, like conditioner, will make your hair look even more oily.
Sticking to shampoos for oily hair will allow you to more thoroughly clean the extra oil and dirt off of it. You should also switch hair shampoos and/or use a clarifying shampoo every time you run out of shampoo. This will further facilitate the removal of extra oil, dirt and residue from your regular shampoo from your hair.
From essortment.com -quote When you are looking for a shampoo for oily hair, a good rule of thumb is to choose a shampoo that is clear, which will be less likely to have extra ingredients that can leave a residue. Some of these shampoos are called deep cleansing or clarifying shampoos. -endquote You’re Welcome!
If you have oily hair, you need to wash it once a day, possibly needing to shampoo it more than once. Do not use conditioner. Your hair has enough natural oils in it to hold in plenty of moisture for your hair’s needs.
Using conditioner will only make your hair look more oily. When choosing a shampoo, you’ll want to pick one specially formulated for oily hair. Shampoos for normal to dry hair will have moisturizers in them which, like conditioner, will make your hair look even more oily.
Sticking to shampoos for oily hair will allow you to more thoroughly clean the extra oil and dirt off of it. You should also switch hair shampoos and/or use a clarifying shampoo every time you run out of shampoo. This will further facilitate the removal of extra oil, dirt and residue from your regular shampoo from your hair.
When you are looking for a shampoo for oily hair, a good rule of thumb is to choose a shampoo that is clear, which will be less likely to have extra ingredients that can leave a residue. Some of these shampoos are called deep cleansing or clarifying shampoos.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.