How to change negative thoughts to positive thoughts?

There are numerous ways of dealing with such a situation. When negative thoughts strike you, act according to the situation you are in.

For example if you are sitting idle and doing nothing (like you have mentioned that it happens when you are alone at home like on Sunday) then start doing something you really like and which will occupy your attention completely. For instance, start reading your favourite author's book, surf on the internet looking at sites that interest you, listen to music, watch a favourite movie, but the best of all is to go spend some time with a friend or talk to them on the phone. You can also try doing something new you have always wanted to do in the past.

For example, learn a new craft in spare time etc.

On the other hand if negative thoughts come when you are not being able to get something done then say to yourself "I can do this", it might seem silly but keep silently saying it to yourself and you'll see it works.

Finally, never stretch yourself too much. Sometimes when we get too tired or have been working too long on something our brain rejects the idea of working and negative thoughts hit us.

Keep a balance between work and leisure and you'll see the difference in no time. Hope this helps. Best of luck.

When you think about some negative, at this moment you touch your heart and tell that "All is well... All is well... All is well..." and suddenly you out of your negative thought and you get some positive power. Your mind become fresh and you come out from your negative thought.

I usually try to rephrase my thoughts. Even when you're thinking of a problem that needs to be solved you can manage thinking positively about it.

For example when I have a lot to do, or have to catch up with my tasks I never say I have to work hard. I always say I deal with my duties easily. Thus you're concentrating on your tasks but you won't feel it difficult to tackle, neither you'll feel them a burden.

I always say myself: I enjoy whatever I'm doing.

When negative thoughts come in your mind say STOP and watch picture of STOP of traffic signal in mind and they will be delay of time to process negative thoughts, you have to use importance of this time by positive thoughts.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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