How to have Bigger Boobs without Plastic Surgery?

Though it's not yet available in the U.S. and not yet FDA approved, in Europe and South America they are using these gel injections called Marcolane. It is even rumored that actress Jennifer Aniston had her breasts enlarged using Marcolane. The procedure takes about 45 minutes and does not require surgery.

The chemical used is hyaluronic acid and it is injected deep under the skin. It's said to serve as a 'filler' and can also contour the breasts. It's kind of like 'botox' for the boobs if you will.

The easy answer is a really nice push up bra, at least it would make you look like you have bigger boobs. I know if your estrogen levels are increased, overtime breasts can grow. There have been cases of young children developing breasts earlier, because of a particular chemical in shampoo.

There are also a list of chemicals at this site: But I wouldn't trust chemicals if I were you.

Beer. You knew that was going to be my answer, didn't you? But here is the method behind the madness.

The hops in beer (more hops in better beers) include chemicals with an estrogen-like effect. This is considered a drawback for male drinkers but great for women. Some natural health, herbal type sites talk about eating hops or taking hop supplement pills.

But why on earth do that when there is beer, with all its other benefits? While there is lots of anectdotal evidence and a rational mechanism, the effect has not yet been properly scientifically studied. The straight dope site claims to debunk all the herbal remedies in general but does not really address hops specifically.

Beer is definitely worth trying as it contains many healthy chemicals from hops plus plenty of complex carbohydrates which may also be relevant. There are far too many sources discussing this to cite but I'll list a few below. Some claims are specifically for particular beers, but almost all beers contain hops.As a footnote I might add that the guys you are out drinking beer with will be putting on "beer goggles" which is at least as effective as the fancy bra mentioned in another answer.

If you become overweight they will become bigger but you can also do certain exercises. I have two sites below that have some exercise options. The problem is the breast is made of many different components with underlying muscle tissue.

Breasts are mostly fat, as good as they are. Lol To increase your breast size, you will need to increase your body fat. Ever seen an overweight woman without huge breasts..? I'm sure this is not the way you want to go, so your best bet is going to be to use a booster bra of some sort, or use make-up to enhance the appearance of your cleavage, such as shadowing effects.

There are no magical creams or pills that will increase your bust size, so please don't be fooled by them, they are so lame. Btw, my wife has had a brest augmentation, and they are perfect size and shape now, and perky, too. Lol I totally recommend them.


I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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