Similar questions: childrens book stone found stream child called friendship.
The Magic Friend Maker" by Gladys Baker Bond. "The story takes place in a city, with a lonely "new girl" in the neighborhood. She longs for a friend, and creates a special one after sharing a special stone she found in a country stream.
The friends share many fun times, and often play games with the rock, this "magic friend maker". When the owner of the rock moves again, she leaves the magic friend maker with her new best friend, so that "the magic can work again. " This is a wonderful book which promotes sharing, creative expression, dealing with fear & loneliness of moving, loss of a friendship and hope for another.
Beautiful illustrations capture the simple joys of childhood. " jpg.
A couple of more covers links for the above book:
Ahhh thank you soo much! I totally got chills when I remembered this book completely..thanks again! Shannaneh 11 months ago .
You are very welcome, I'm glad I could be of help! .
I'm looking for a book called frankenfruit or something like it, I think it's a children's book. Please help" "I am looking for a children's book I had as a child. " "I am try to find a childrens book about an african boy called Epapiondas (don't know correct spelling, this is the title" "I'm looking for the childrens book by Daniela De Luca called Matty the Polar Bear.
I can't find in anywhere. " "What childrens book is this called? " "Where can I find children's books/annualsfrom the 1970s called BERYL the PERIL?" "I'm looking for a childrens book from mid 60's to early 70's.
It was called the First Easter Basket. Heard of it?" "Does anyone know and remeber a great little childrens book called MIKE MULLIGAN AND HIS STEAM SHOVEL MARY ANN? " "children's books featuring a girl called Belinda" "Looking for a childrens book; might be called "The Path" or "The Walk".
Scared little boy says, "let's do it again.
I'm looking for a book called frankenfruit or something like it, I think it's a children's book. Please help.
I am looking for a children's book I had as a child.
I am try to find a childrens book about an african boy called Epapiondas (don't know correct spelling, this is the title.
I'm looking for the childrens book by Daniela De Luca called Matty the Polar Bear. I can't find in anywhere.
I'm looking for a childrens book from mid 60's to early 70's. It was called the First Easter Basket. Heard of it?
Children's books featuring a girl called Belinda.
Looking for a childrens book; might be called "The Path" or "The Walk". Scared little boy says, "let's do it again.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.