The problem is that unfortunately the Rock Band drums are not compatible for Guitar Hero: World Tour for the Wii. Check out this link:
Apparently, this has been somewhat of an issue since launch. The Drums weren't registering hits. The following is taken from Activision's site: "Question All or part of my drum set is not working.
Answer If the drum set does not work at all try the following: * Check that the drum set has working batteries. * If you have confirmed that the batteries are good then check that the drum set is powered on and bound to the console. * If the drum is receiving power and is bound properly then see if the drums work outside of the game in the console's system menus.
If one of the drum pads is not working try the following: * Check that the drum set is powered on and bound to the console. * If it is powered on and properly bound to the console then try the other drum pads. If one of the cymbals is not working try the following: * Check the cable and make sure that it is connected properly.
* If the cymbal still does not work try swapping the cymbals. If the foot pedal is not working then check the following: * Check the cable and make sure that it is connected properly. * If the cable is connected properly but the pedal still does not work then check that the drum set is powered on and bound to the console.
Please note that if you are having problems with drum sensitivity then refer to the following page here If after trying all troubleshooting options you find that your Red Octane product is still non-functional, then you can submit a warranty replacement by selecting your country from the drop down below for the warranty submission information for your region. You can also call us at 1-800-205-4713 in the US and Canada, but please note that this is for new warranty replacement requests only. If your country is not listed in the drop-down below or you need help with an existing RMA then please click on "Ask a Question" in the tab above to submit an incident to us, and we will be able to help you with your issue.
If the drum set is wireless just turn it on and if its corded plug it in and it will work ................i got all the rock band's and guitar hero's .............u can use any drum kit that is compatible with the system your playing on .
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.