Try the product I use. It's Pro Naturals Moroccan Oil Hair Treatment with Heat Protector, it protects the hair from heat damage, it strengthen the hair and prevents split ends. It's really good and it works fast.
Hope this helps.
Either its genetic, your using to much heat on your hair, dying it to much or something. I would suggest a shampoo for damaged hair because obviously just cutting it off isn't working. I went almost a whole year with out split ends.
I just stopped straightening it every day and dying it all the time.
What you are physically doing to your hair is most likely causing you to get split ends quicker. You may be overusing thermal hair products. Do you use a flat iron by chance or curling iron?
Flat irons can get very hot and can be very damaging. If possible,. Lay off the thermal tools, if you can.As far as blow drying your hair, take a break from that as well when you can.
Let your hair air dry. Deep condition your hair once or twice a week. This can even protect your hair from further abuse.
Do not feel bad, many of us do enjoy flat ironing and curling our hair. If you are dead set against giving up the flat iron, perhaps you can atleast lower the setting so it is not as hot. The last option is to go in to the salon every month.
Keep in mind our hair (on average) grows a half an inch a month. You do not want more than a half an inch a month cut off or you will slowly end up with shorter and shorter hair.It is best to take action! Prevent the split ends when you can!
Looking for professional and technical staff to help you sit down and mold, hair repair.
Perhaps she needs to cut more off this next visit. I would first want to make sure she is cutting all the dead ends off. Be willing to allow her to do so, even if the hair will be shorter then you may like.
If she is cutting all the split ends each time, you may want to visit more often. Perhaps once a month would be better. Lastly, try to avoid things that damage the hair at home.
Many of us do not realize that even blow drying the hair often can be damaging. Let the hair air dry instead. Curling irons, flat irons and chemical processes can be damaging to the hair.
Instead of coloring all of your hair, why not try highlights? It still can be damaging but not as much. Use a deep conditioner once a week.
Allow it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.