I have a new home no color on walls. Kitchen needs color I am looking in the orange selection ie. nutmeg, sierra?

I have a new home no color on walls. Kitchen needs color I am looking in the orange selection ie. Nutmeg, sierra?

Kitchen is honey maple cupboards, stainless appliances. Open concept home. Light brown/dark marble tile floor same for countertop.

Asked by Magicbreeze 24 months ago Similar questions: home color walls Kitchen orange selection nutmeg sierra Home > Home Improvement.

Similar questions: home color walls Kitchen orange selection nutmeg sierra.

Top 10 Food and Travel (mostly) ghlights of 2009 Everyone’s got a top 10 list! So I will too. I don’t know why I don’t do them more often–I certainly love making lists.

Like a lot of people, I’m coming away from this year feeling like it was pretty craptastic. But the nice thing about making a list like this is that you (I) realize there were some really good concrete things that happened, or that I managed to pull off. The crappiness, I think, just comes from feeling overworked and generally unfocused.

And, of course, the creeping realization that there will never come a day in my freelance life when I get so fabulous that people are beating down my door offering me work. In fact, I will continue to have to rustle it up myself. Which, you know, is why I’m going on vacation for the next three weeks.(Holy crap!

To Asia! Never been to the other side of the world!)What I’m pretty pleased with, in no particular order:1. I made croissants!

This is fresh in my mind because it happened just a few days ago, only nominally fulfilling my 2009 resolution to work with yeast dough more. I can’t tell you how miraculous it is to make these things. I actually laughed out loud with delight the first time the dough rose.

Simple (borderline idiotic) pleasures.2. I traveled for a month in Mexico and did not get shot, kidnapped, ticketed or asked for a bribe. Actually, this is not such an accomplishment.

Contrary to everything you read in the newspaper, Mexico is not a war zone. Allow me to briefly hijack my top-10 list for a mini-lecture: not going to Mexico because of the drug war is like not coming to the US because of the drug war. San Cristobal de las Casas, Merida and Tulum are a world away from Juarez–just like, say, Seattle is a world away from inner-city Baltimore.

Sources: http://rovinggastronome.com/mainblog/ .

10 Tips for Picking Paint Colors Take your interior from drab to fab with help from an expert. The "buzz" about color is usually called "color psychology. " But the effects of color are subtle and significant; physical and psychological.

Color use is not something that results in a definitive equation between "color and our moods," as is a currently popular expression. Wherever we go we respond to color, but the importance of color is often underestimated. Color use is important to us personally in our homes and in the places where we work.

Start SmallIf you're not sure where to begin with color, experiment in a powder room or bathroom, a small hall or area between rooms, or an accent wall. If you're doing your own painting, pick an area that's quick to do so you can see your results sooner, and be happy with it or change it. Look at the process as an adventure.To get started, select a favorite color drawn from artwork, a rug, dishes and an accessory or furniture piece as a main color or accent.

Think About Your MoodWhen selecting a color, consider the mood of a room. In a bedroom do you want the feeling to be restful and soothing or dramatic and intimate? Soft, cool colors and neutrals usually create a quieter feeling while stronger colors are for drama.

Do you want a dining area to feel sociable and stimulating or appear formal and quiet? Warmer, contrasting and somewhat brighter colors add to a sociable atmosphere; deeper blue-greens and neutrals will give a more formal ambiance.Do you want kid's rooms to create an active and exciting energy or an orderly and restful feeling? Be careful not to overstimulate your children with intensely bright hues.

You may not know it, but some brighter colors can lead to unrest and irritability. Pay Attention to LightingThe reason why paint stores have light boxes for you to test paint chips: Natural daylight shows the truest color; Incandescent lighting brings out warm tones and yellows;Fluorescent lighting casts a sharp blue tone. So, a strong color might be too bright and overpowering when used on all walls or next to a large window, but it might be effective when used as an accent wall with indirect light.

Sources: http://www.hgtv.com/decorating/10-tips-for-picking-paint-colors/index.html .

If there is little, I would go with a light, bright color. If the room gets a lot of sun, then you could go with the nutmeg. Can you link to the actual colors?


If there is little, I would go with a light, bright color. If the room gets a lot of sun, then you could go with the nutmeg. Can you link to the actual colors?

Magicbreeze replied to post #1: 2 There is a lot of light in the kitchen, front door faces my kitchen (2 sidelights in door) huge living room window across from the kitchen, and french doors at the back beside the last kitchen cupboard.

There is a lot of light in the kitchen, front door faces my kitchen (2 sidelights in door) huge living room window across from the kitchen, and french doors at the back beside the last kitchen cupboard.

Magicbreeze replied to post #1: 3 I have a link for a visual paint place. homehardware.ca/index/renoworks-homeworks the colors are in "My Projects" tab. Let me know if you can see the one I saved.

The right wall near the fridge and ceiling is "Nut Curry" and the back splash is "Caramel Craving" I was liking the Nut curry most, What do you think? .

I have a link for a visual paint place. homehardware.ca/index/renoworks-homeworks the colors are in "My Projects" tab. Let me know if you can see the one I saved.

The right wall near the fridge and ceiling is "Nut Curry" and the back splash is "Caramel Craving" I was liking the Nut curry most, What do you think?

A vacation, electronics, home improvement etc.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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