I hear getting rid of credit cards destroys your credit health. Is there a way to transfer my credit card to another bank?

Since the credit card is issued by a particular bank, you cannot transfer the account to another bank. What you can do is open another credit card account with the bank you like, and simply not use the current one. This will have the same effect and your oldest credit account will not be closed.

However, I will say that with online banking as widespread and simple to use these days (e.g. To pay a credit card statement) there's no need to use a card from the same bank as you do your checking and savings at. Instead, find a card that offers a reward program such as Chase Freedom, from which you can get a 1% rebate for all charges, and if you let the reward build up to $200 you can get a $50 bonus and get a $250 rebate check from them.

CareCredit successfully launched a new look and card. Applying is as fast, easy and secure as ever before. Both CareCredit cards are accepted at over 150,000 enrolled providers nationwide.

By providing your email address, you consent to receive marketing email communications from CareCredit. Do I need to replace my original card with the new CareCredit healthcare card? It's our look that has changed, we haven’t.

There's no need to replace your original card with the new card. Both CareCredit cards are accepted at over 150,000 enrolled providers nationwide. Is my original card still accepted at the practice?

It's our look that has changed, we haven’t. Both CareCredit cards are accepted at over 150,000 enrolled providers nationwide. How do I qualify for CareCredit?

Approval is based on information from your credit application and past credit history. This includes information from the primary applicant as well as any co-applicant. Why do doctors offer CareCredit?

Many patients put off treatments and procedures because they cannot afford to pay. Doctors offer CareCredit payment options as an alternative to consumer credit cards, cash or checks. CareCredit allows you to pay over time instead of a lump sum prior to treatment.

Offering CareCredit removes the accounts receivable responsibilities from the doctor and allows them to focus on recommending and providing the best care to their patients.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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